Chapter 361 Wearing a crown on the name
The conversation between the two fell into the ears of Nalan Yue and Ye Jin. Ye Jin kept turning his head arrogantly, as if he didn't know they were talking about him!

Just this calm skill, Nalan Yue almost admired him!

Pursing her lips, resisting the urge to laugh out loud, she walked out of the hall side by side with him.

Little did they know that there was already a commotion outside...

Outside the royal building, on the big screen hanging on the wall - the results of Nalan Yue and the others are impressively displayed in the far left column.

Because Nalanyue is number 01, it ranked first, followed by Ye Jin, Feng Chu, Meng Luo and others who completed the task!
The top three are all marked in bright red fonts, like VIPs!

In particular, Nalan Yue wore a crown on her name, obviously No.1 in this competition!
But these are not what everyone is surprised by. What is surprising is that it is marked behind Nalan Yue's name - six stars!

Everyone gasped, even the elders on the stage couldn't help rubbing their eyes, wondering if they had read it wrong!

The highest star rating in the system is five, how can it not arouse people's curiosity when six stars suddenly pop up now!
The people below were discussing, "I'll go, who is the No.1 named Nalan Yue!"

"I haven't heard of it, but it must be a very powerful person to be able to get six stars!"

"Really? Maybe it's just luck! Besides, don't you think the name Nalan Yue sounds familiar?"

"It does sound familiar, hey! Then the legendary third young lady is called Nalan Yue..."

"Damn! This is impossible! The trash can get the first and it's still six stars, don't be ridiculous!"

A bunch of people also retorted and booed, "That's right, that's right, maybe he just happens to have the same name as that trash!"

Even if the people present knew the truth, they couldn't admit that it was the real good-for-nothing Nalan Yue!

Because a trash can get first place and get six stars, then they don't even have trash!

At this time, Ye Jin and Nalan Yue were walking down from the Royal Building, and happened to hear these discussions.

Nalanyue snorted softly, that's right, the Nalanyue you keep talking about is really her good-for-nothing

Ye Jin dragged her down the corridor, he was noble and indifferent, he treated everything around him as nothing, he formed his own world.

At this time, I don't know who yelled, "Look, that's Nalan Yue!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone moved in unison and looked towards Nalan Yue and Ye Jin as if they had been trained.

All of them looked at Nalan Yue with different expressions.

Nalan Yue twitched her brows, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she looked towards the person who yelled first in the crowd.

But that person's movements were very clever, and he had already covered up the direction of the voice, making it difficult for people to pinpoint who did it!
It's just... the corner of Nalan Yue's eyes suddenly caught sight of a piece of bright yellow clothes, heh, it turned out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

No wonder I didn't see him on the above before, so I was here to find the right time to discredit myself!
sweat!Anyway, she relies on her strength!She wants to see how the prince wants to blackmail her!

Now everyone present gossips, even the elders of the royal family and the elder of Qinglong Academy turned their heads to look at him.

Then, the previous voice appeared again, "As far as I know, there is only one person named Nalan Yue in the entire Hua Kingdom, and she is the good-for-nothing in front of you!"

"Then how did a good-for-nothing get No.1 in the first round!"

(End of this chapter)

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