Chapter 364 The Golden Finger is Wider
The person who caused the trouble clenched his fist secretly, but he really couldn't say anything more in the current situation!

On the stage, Nalan Yue's eyes fell on several elders, her eyes half-smile, and she told you to watch the play again!

Miss, is that easy to bully?

The Great Elder of Qinglong College stroked his white beard, smiled kindly, and stepped forward.

This girl... is really interesting!
The next few elders of the royal family naturally followed, the elders in purple and the elders in green looked calm.

On the other hand, the blue-clothed elder stared at Nalan Yue so displeased all the time!
This damn girl has been causing trouble since day one!
Nalan Yue directly chose to ignore the look in his eyes, so innocent, who said she was the one who caused trouble on the first day!
The Great Elder stood in the middle of the stage, cleared his throat, and looked down at the crowd.

Everyone kept absolutely quiet, after all, no one would expect to be left with a bad image by the future mentor!

The great elder's amiable face became serious, and his voice was very serious, "Do you know that when you question cheating, you are actually questioning the system master of this continent!"

"The results of each contestant are judged by the system, and all the systems on the mainland are made by the system master himself!"

"What—" Almost everyone was shocked, their eyes widened!

Department, the master of the system!

Oh, it's over... Aren't they just questioning the master of the system before!

The Great Elder's face was tense, and he said loudly, "What qualifications do you think you have to question the Great God of the system!"

The people in the audience lowered their heads one after another, and no one dared to speak at this time!
Even the prince who took the lead in making trouble and "commanding" the trouble in the rear was silenced!
At this time, a voice from heaven came, which was cold and pleasant to the ear, "The most important thing for a cultivator is to cultivate one's mind. I want my national teacher to judge you as unqualified!"

Everyone looked towards the source of the voice - the great master in a white robe, with a halo on his silver mask, and his perfect lips were slightly pursed.

He walked up to the stage step by step, calmly and repelling others thousands of miles away!

Several elders, including the Great Elder of Qinglong College, cupped their fists at him with a little respect, "Master National Teacher!"

The national teacher nodded coldly, then turned his gaze to the audience.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they didn't understand why the National Teacher was alarmed.

Only Ye Jin rolled his eyes at him angrily, and acted like a cross again!
The great national teacher stood with his hands behind his back, and a sense of oppression came over him, "If you don't want to be expelled, you can leave after completing the task, and if you want to continue making trouble, the national teacher will accompany you to the end!"

His voice became cold, but his tone was faintly cold!

Everyone's eyelids twitched suddenly, how dare they speak out, it can be seen how high the status of the Great Master is in people's hearts!

The great master glanced at the crowd, and then walked down like a gust of wind.

When passing by Nalan Yue, she shook her head slightly, hey, did the little witch's golden finger open up this time?

Do you want to take it back?

Readers: "...don't!"

Great Master: "..." Alright!Would you mind making it bigger?
Although the National Teacher came and left quickly, it is tantamount to proving that the cheating is purely fictional!Pure nonsense!

The people in the audience didn't dare to discuss anything anymore. After all, these are the rules set by the system master, who dares to question the system master!

Isn't this the rhythm of seeking death!
(End of this chapter)

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