Chapter 367 You Are So Dirty

Immediately, Nalan Yue raised her brows. Does this refer to her previous bet with Luo Zhenzhen?

Anyway, there is no second possibility, she just made a bet with her!

When passing by the big screen, Nalan Yue deliberately glanced up, and sure enough——Luo Zhenzhen's progress bar was actually zero!

In other words, Luo Zhenzhen didn't complete the task at all!

Because the big screen is universal, whether it is the nobles who were in charge of the task in the Royal Mansion or the civilians downstairs, the results are now ranked together!

As for Luo Zhenzhen, she neither completed the task nor saw her. It just so happened that Ye Jin and the three guys were mysterious... So Nalan Yue thought she probably knew what they did!
Several people detoured from the martial arts arena and walked towards the edge of the imperial city.

At this time, for some reason, the practitioners who came to hand in the task all around suddenly started making noise—the sound of breathing, exclamation, and whistles continued.

What an amazing thing it seems to have seen!

Nalan Yue also raised her eyes curiously, looked forward, and suddenly the corner of her mouth twitched!
Who the hell came up with such a bad idea!

In front, on the high city wall, a woman hanging by a rope is slowly falling down. She is only wearing a belly pocket, and it is still super seductive pink!

It happens to cover the three important parts of the body, but this is enough to seduce people!

White big ~ legs, towering upturned, whistling!
Her black hair is messy, but her face can still be seen clearly, it is Luo Zhenzhen!
Well, Luo Zhenzhen was hung up on the city wall by the skin!
At the same time, the people below started making noises, and the situation was a hundred times more sensational than when Nalan Yue was discussed before!
"By the way, this year's Imperial City Tournament is really interesting. Before, it was throwing people, and then it was trash who won No.1. Now, there is a clothes-splitting guy!"

"Isn't it? Look at the skin that can pinch water, it's really attractive! And I heard that she seemed to be hung on the city wall because she provoked King Jin!"

Another person took over the conversation, "Fuck, that's the way it is, it's nothing surprising!"

After all, King Jin's brutal reputation is there!

"Hey brother, how long has it been since you updated this information, let me tell you, it's actually because this woman lost a bet with Nalan Yue..."

"What! Is it the No.1 trash Nalan Yue?"

"Oh, keep your voice down, King Jin is still behind..."


Once again, the gossip that filled the imperial city spread like a tornado passing through the border!

In an instant, the trash Nalan Yue obtained No. 1, and became King Jin, who became a confidante in a rage and let an innocent woman hang up in the imperial city!
If this popularity has Baidu Weibo, it must be a hot topic!

Sewage!Ten is too dirty!But dirty well!

Nalan Yue smiled playfully, a gleam flashed across her eyes, could it be Ye Jin?

Turning to look at him with questioning eyes, the man nodded super calmly!

"Ye Jin, you're so filthy!" Nalan Yue shrugged pretending to be cold, but there was a smile between her brows and eyes.

Behind, Feng Chu and Meng Luo laughed loudly, raising eyebrows at Ye Jin!

Tsk tsk...Yejiu~ You are so dirty!

On the other hand, Ye Jin was as plain as he wanted, and the corners of his mouth inadvertently curled up, "Do you want something more filthy?"

"What?" Nalan Yue blinked her clear eyes, raised her elegant face slightly, and looked like a blooming sunflower under the golden sunlight.

Fresh, beautiful, and magnificent!

(End of this chapter)

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