Chapter 374 Wonderful Counterattack
"This..." Aunt Liu secretly clenched her fingers, and was suddenly confused, "Anyway, Miss San thinks..."

"Shut up!" Nalan Jue, the first person, smashed his cup and walked down from his seat.

Step by step, walking towards Nalan Yue with great coercion.

Suddenly there was no sound around, and the silence was a bit scary, but everyone's eyes looked like they were watching a good show.

Pharmacist Li frowned, trying to stop Nalan Jue, but Nalan Yue shook his head slightly at him.

Pharmacist Li sighed helplessly, and sat back in his seat.

He can protect her for a while, but he is destined not to be with her forever!
This is also what Nalan Yue thinks in her heart. This is her battlefield. She is very happy when others extend a helping hand to her, but she can't blindly rely on others' hands.

She Nalan Yue has always liked to do it herself!

In just one breath, Nalan Jue had already arrived in front of Nalan Yue. The distance was so close, but the strange and indifferent family relationship seemed to separate them by an entire iceberg.

Nalan Jue didn't immediately yell at her as Nalan Yue expected, but kept staring at her face to see that the whole person seemed to be in a trance.

Nalan Yue was suspicious in her heart, could it be that she has flowers on her face?
Nalan Jue stood on the spot, staring at Nalan Yue's face with shrewd black eyes, this face...

Over there, the eldest lady didn't see the scene she wanted to see, and she knew that Xiangye must be thinking of that dead woman!

Immediately, he said anxiously, "Master Xiang!"

Perhaps it was because the eldest lady interrupted his thoughts, Nalan Jue suppressed the confusion in his eyes, and looked at Nalan Yue indifferently, "You are such a waste that I have completely embarrassed me! Who allowed you to participate in the imperial city competition?" , even if you participated, who gave you the guts to cheat!"

"I still refuse to admit it now, why did I give birth to your useless daughter!"

If he hadn't given birth to this trash, how could his beloved woman be difficult to deal with!
Nalan Jue's emotions suddenly became extremely excited, and his black eyes almost popped out of their sockets!
Pharmacist Li, who didn't care about protecting his shortcomings at all, is still here!
For a moment, everyone dared not vent their anger!
"Shut up for me!"

Li Yaoshi smashed the table with his palm, and gave Nalan Jue a hard look, "I allowed Yue'er to participate in the competition, do you have any objections! Don't think I don't know you because of what happened back then!" And anger Yue'er!"

What happened back then?Rub, what's the matter?
Nalan Yue frowned, could it be because of the difficult childbirth of the original owner's mother, and then the scumbag father has been holding grudges for so many years?
Such a bloody plot... But I still can't see it, the cold-hearted scumbag father can actually love someone... Tsk tsk!
When Nalan Jue was uttered by the old man, he seemed to have just come back to life, with a hint of annoyance on his expression.

Taking a step back, he sat on the chair in a daze, and looked at the old man, "Li Yaoshi, you clearly know that she is a waste, how can you allow her to participate in the competition...and she dares to cheat!"

Well, just ignore her cheating in three sentences!
Don't you just envy that sister won the first place and your two treasures didn't take the first place!
Nalan Yue stood with her back straight, and looked directly at him with clear eyes, "Master Guo Shi said that I did not cheat, so it is possible that Lord Prime Minister is questioning the Master of the State, the master of the system!"

Every word of Nalan Yue's heart is full of hatred, give him a big hat!

(End of this chapter)

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