Chapter 399
There were a few brats on the opposite side who were suddenly ashamed and fussy, and they were put together by the trash!
Aww, wouldn't that be trampling their self-esteem under their feet!
They are not convinced!
"Just wait, the next fight will be a fight!" The leading youths among the crowd stared at Nalan Yue with the same hatred.

Nalan Yue twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, a bunch of little kids are so boring!

Still under the gauntlet...

Nalan Yue obviously also forgot that she is also a little kid in his own mouth, because she is only 16 years old now!

On the stage, Master Daguo's face was pale, ahem, don't ask why you can still see his expression wearing a mask, just look at his pair of plain eyes!
A voice as cold as moonlight rang out, "Bring up the exam papers, the irrelevant personnel quickly leave, and there is the number of the martial arts exam in front of the big screen!"

Every time the Great Master gave orders, all the brats fell silent.

The people who had formed a circle immediately dispersed and went out from the barrier of the examination room.

Only a few elders and Nalan Yue were left.

Several friends looked at each other and were about to leave from here, but the voice of the Great Master sounded behind him-"You guys stay!"

Immediately, there was a "thud", and they looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why the National Teacher asked them to stay.

This feeling is like being left alone in the office to drink tea by the head teacher... Uneasy, nervous.

There must be many friends who feel this way!
Could it be that the cheating in the exam was discovered by the National Teacher, but he didn't break them up in front of everyone... Is it time to settle the account after Qiuhou?

But they were at best cheating, Yueyue didn't read the answer at all!

The National Teacher did not pay attention to the thoughts of the few people, but waved his sleeves to let the elders go down first.

After the elder left, there were only a few of them left in the enchantment of the examination room, and the fruit master...

It's over, the "torture" is probably about to start now...

Nalan Yue and Ye Jin looked at each other, without saying a word, they turned their attention to the National Teacher.

Several eyes are now focused on him.

The great master immediately coughed lightly, why don't you look at him with such wretched eyes!

Alright, let's get down to business now, the National Teacher flung out a snow-white creature from his sleeve.

"Wow, it hurts so much!" Nine-tailed Fox Mengmeng, who was thrown to the ground, cried with tears in her big eyes.

"Mengmeng!" Meng Luo exclaimed, and quickly picked her up. He thought Mengmeng was hidden by Ye Jin!
But is actually in the hands of the Great Master!

Doesn't that mean that the National Teacher knew about the cheating at all!
Now that the people are dirty and the goods are good, no matter how much you argue, it's useless!

Feng Chu was obviously aware of this, and kept silent with a sullen face. He probably would be beaten to death by his father when he returned home!
Nalan Yue was also a little surprised, she looked at Ye Jin, who smiled at him lightly.

Obviously this guy knew from the very beginning that Mengmeng, the little fox, was taken away by the national teacher!
But other than that, Nalan Yue and Ye Jin looked calm, as if they had nothing to be afraid of even if they were caught by the invigilating national teacher for cheating!

Because... the National Teacher doesn't know Gaomi at all!

If he really wanted to, he could have exposed it directly when he was in the examination room before, so why wait until no one is there to open up old scores!

So don't worry, not at all absolutely don't worry!

 Wan Geng... Good night [Sahua] [Sahua]

(End of this chapter)

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