Chapter 407 is weird

"Forget it!" Nalan Jue sighed slightly, "But that time I really hurt you..."

It was because he suddenly remembered that little baby who was just born... the little baby he sent away with his own hands!

Every time I saw Nalan Yue, I would think of the sweetness between that peerless woman and another person... His crazy jealousy!
In fact, this is what he hates Nalan Yue the most... because the longing can't stop jumping out!

You see, people who make mistakes can always find countless reasons to convince others and convince themselves at the same time!

So he made the same mistake again and again!
But now he really doesn't want to make any more mistakes...

Nalan Yue doesn't know about this, nor does she want to know about it!
"I know you were just an accidental injury!" Nalan Yue sneered back at him, biting down on the word "accidental injury"!

In fact, the memory of the original owner's mind about the specific details of being killed by him just passed through is not particularly clear, it's just a general idea.

Perhaps, it was really too sad and hopeless, so the original owner selectively forgot this memory!

Nalan's face fell silent in despair...

I moved my lips but couldn't say anything...

She is the same as that peerless woman, her eyes can always see through everything!
"You are the next day's game." Nalan changed the subject and looked at her quietly.

The news is quite fast!Nalan Yue smiled casually, "Yes, is it possible that the Prime Minister is going to watch the game?"

To Nalan Yue's surprise - Nalan Jue nodded, as if he had made a firm decision, "I will go!"

Nalan Yue was startled, then shrugged her shoulders indifferently, to be honest, today's scumbag is very weird!

It seems to be... the rhythm of reconciling with her!
It's a pity, it's too late, isn't it?
"If it's okay, I'll go first!" The atmosphere was really weird, Nalan Yue left the front hall without saying a word.

Regardless of whether Nalan absolutely agrees...

She really is your child...

same stubbornness...

Nalan Jue sat down on the black wooden chair again in a daze, his confused eyes slightly closed...

Because of love, hate, and regret, I hope it's not too late!


Nalan Yue returned to the lotus garden, but she still had doubts about the strangeness of the scumbag father today.

What kind of new trick is this going to do... to even play the family card?

On weekdays, she looks like she wants to strangle her to death...

Don't blame Nalan Yue for thinking this way, if a person who wants you to die suddenly says one day, let's make up!

This inevitably makes people suspicious, even if he is sincere!
Can't figure it out...

Suddenly seeing Lu'er's busy figure out of the corner of his eye, his heart skipped a beat and he called out to her, "Lu'er!"

The little girl Lu'er immediately put down her work when she heard the voice, and ran towards her young lady, "What's the matter, Miss, it's too hot outside, and scented tea has been prepared for Miss in the room..."

Cutting off Lu'er's nagging, Nalan Yue looked directly at her with clear eyes, "Lu'er, what exactly happened when the Prime Minister wanted to kill me that day?"

The memory of this is fuzzy in my mind...

Is it really just because she bumped into Nalan Yu and the crown prince by mistake~ Shan?
Lu'er shrank her fingers because of this question, and her expression began to become erratic!
Nalan Yue was keenly aware that what happened that day might be unusual!

"Look me in the eyes and say!"

An unmistakable tone!
(End of this chapter)

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