Chapter 410 Love at First Sight for You


The sound is deafening!

Another four "jugglers"!

Now Ye Jin is the only one left in the No.12 group ring, this is not the point, the point is the time he spent!

Just three seconds!
It can be regarded as a spike!
The corners of Nalan Yue's mouth slightly raised, her small face was bright and elegant, it really was fast enough!
The elder in blue quickly stood up from the referee table and announced the result, "No. 12 Group Nine Princes won, and No. 13 Group Xiao Ziyu won! And they won almost at the same time!"

Xiao Ziyu?
And it's her family's night male god at the same moment...

Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows immediately, and her gaze stayed on the third ring.

Stopped on Xiao Ziyu's body...

Xiao Ziyu stood alone on it, and there were indeed nine other contestants under the ring, grinning in pain and crawling up.

Coincidentally, Xiao Ziyu also looked at her through the crowd...

Inadvertently, the four eyes met!
A strange light flashed in his warm eyes, and he smiled softly.

Such a smile can melt the coldness of everything in the world!

Very good, she can finally see him in her eyes!

On the audience stage...

The nympho group started a new round of discussion, "Wow, Kaka, Young Master Xiao is smiling at me... What should I do? My little heart is beating... Oh~"

"Actually, Young Master Xiao is the male god among our girls!"

"That's right, that's right, gentle and golden!"

Nalan Yue: "..." Just a second ago, you were still praising Ye Jinfengchu!
Should the stand be like grass by the wall!

As for Xiao Ziyu who was smiling at her in the arena...

Nalan Yue only stayed for a second before she looked away!
I can't help but slander, next time, what are you laughing at, you don't know my sister either!
Every time she wears thick black gauze and black clothes, it is impossible for Xiao Ziyu to see her real appearance with her makeup skills!

She is confident in her disguise!

But Nalan Yue forgot... There is no absolute thing in this world!

Without her gaze, Xiao Ziyu's eyes suddenly tightened a little, even if he didn't follow her gaze, he could still feel who she was looking at!

Ye Jin, has always been Ye Jin!
However, I seem to have fallen in love with you at first sight... What should I do?
——Xiao Ziyu dividing line——

After getting off the ring, Ye Jin walked gracefully step by step, that kind of innate temperament and natural domineering, really cannot be learned by others.

On the referee's seat, the emperor wearing the golden crown showed a smile on his expressionless face, the brat is really good!
As good as his mother and concubine...

However, the queen's complexion was so bad that the other concubines did the same.

Every time it is Ye Jin who gets the most love!

It is also Ye Jin who shines infinitely every time!

He must be in the eyes of the emperor again...

And their princes were rendered dull, how could they be reconciled!
The queen with the phoenix crown on her head approached the emperor lightly, "Your Majesty, look at our prince...he is also doing very well! And look at the matter of Feng'er and the eldest lady of the prime minister's mansion that you proposed to marry me this time..."

Well, the prince is also in this round of competition!

The reason why Nalan Yue didn't mention it earlier was because he had already ignored him!

Just a scumbag...

It's okay if the queen didn't mention it, but when the emperor mentioned it, his expression changed on the spot, "You still have the face to talk to me about his marriage. Back then, his marriage was arranged by the national teacher!"

The queen bit her red lip and continued to grind.

(End of this chapter)

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