Chapter 414

Well, if you don't fight with my sister, I will pull it, and my sister will abuse you at the end!

The nine teenagers continued to fight at the side...

And Nalan Yue was almost bored to the point of pulling weeds, lazily leaning on the iron railing around the ring, looking at the several teenagers who were fighting, thinking who had the greatest chance of winning!
That person is the one she will abuse later!
The audience friends outside the arena didn't have such a good attitude as Nalan Yue, some couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Fuck... You see, that trash has been ignored!"

"Isn't this nonsense, she is a piece of trash, who would bother to fight her, anyway, she will step down with a random push in the end!"

My dear friend, you have spoken out the aspirations of those nine people!

"Haha... that's right!"

Nalan Yue blinked innocently, and looked at the huddled teenagers again.

Can you hurry up and fight...

Well, until the other four arenas have ended their battles, these nine teenagers...haven't decided the winner yet!
The winners of the four arenas are the Third Prince, Nalan Yu's two brothers and sisters, and Lan Xuan!
As for Nalan Mei, she was defeated by the third prince as expected!
But there was not much disappointment on her face, after all, she was a little self-aware!

It's not like some people are complacent just like a peacock when they win!

Because she was idle, Nalan Yue started to gossip leisurely, Qing Su's water blue pleated skirt fluttered slightly.

His gaze inadvertently passed over the scumbag's position. At this moment, the two siblings, Nalanyu, were happily staying beside the eldest lady.

The eldest lady was kind and cruel as always, "Master Xiang, why don't you let the girl Yue'er come down, so as not to be ashamed and conspicuous!"

If these words were left a few days ago, Nalan Jue might still have heard them, but now he is going to try his best to counterattack!

So... Nalan Jue glanced at her, "No need!"

But the words changed in the ears of the eldest lady, thinking that Nalan Jue just wanted this trash to lose face in public.

Since this is the case, then she doesn't need to add more oil and vinegar!
In the arena...

Those nine people still fought regardless of winning or losing... This is for sure because the average strength of this group is very weak, so it is exhausted like this!
Don't say that Nalan Yue is boring, but everyone in the audience is almost falling asleep.

At this time, someone who didn't know threw an egg towards the arena—"Swoosh!" It shot straight at the nine teenagers who were huddled together!

From Nalan Yue's point of view, he happened to see that this was Ye Jin's handwriting!
The corner of her mouth twitched, and this egg looked familiar too, oh shit, isn't that the egg she made this morning!
Okay, this guy actually dared to steal eggs, waiting for my sister to ask you to "fuck off" at night!
Ye Jin blinked at her, folded his hands behind his head, and lazily watched the farce he created.

Now it's all right, someone took the lead in "smashing eggs", and then the people in the audience found a bunch of vegetable leaves, broccoli.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" All of them smashed onto the first ring.

Accompanied by a displeased voice - "Fuck you, you guys have been fighting endlessly, haven't you!"

"Please, can you knock down the trash Nalan Yue first!!!"

"I always have a bad feeling. Could it be that the nine people lose and lose, and then the winner is that trash..."

"Oh, what, I tell you this, I deeply feel that it might be like this..."

"No... no way... Oucao!"

Another wave of vegetable leaves drifting by~

(End of this chapter)

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