Chapter 422

Most people will probably come to blame her...

Blame her for abolishing that scumbag to make her brother suffer revenge!
"Hmph, she deserved to become a eunuch in the end!" Bei Li'er became more and more excited as she spoke, her chest churned again due to internal injuries.

"Pfft—" She even spat out a mouthful of blood.

"younger sister--"


There were two men's exclamations, one was from Kuo Lintian, and the other was from... Meng Luo! !
Meng Luo hurriedly stepped forward, stopping Lizi who was about to fall to the ground.

"Sister, did they beat you too...cough cough!" Kuo Lintian didn't come up in one breath, and spit out a mouthful of thick blood again.

The whole person was embarrassed.

Damn, after the younger sister vomited and then changed to the older brother, Nalanyue couldn't stand it any longer, "Stop talking, and lie down quickly."

He didn't forget to remind Meng Luo who was already in a hurry, "Don't be dumbfounded, Meng Luo, put the pears on the ground too!"

Since Meng Luo is interested in her, she might as well change her name and what's more, she admires this little loli's temperament!

Meng Luo was stunned for a moment before he realized that it was Nalan Yue who wanted to save the pear immediately, so he hurriedly put the pear away.

Because Nalan Yue had sent western medicine to Shura Palace, even if Ye Jin didn't tell her, the two bears could guess where the medicine came from.

So now both of them are not too surprised that Nalan Yue will have medical skills!
Nalan Yue immediately rescued the two of them, several silver needles glowed between them, and stabbed at the two lying flat respectively.

Every silver needle goes into the deadly acupuncture point, you must know that these acupuncture points are the most important places for practitioners, and if they deviate a little bit, it will change from saving people to killing people!

But her extremely skilled movements seemed to have been rehearsed thousands of times!

For a moment, everyone held their breath and looked at Nalan Yue without blinking!
Even Feng Chu and Meng Luo, who had guessed Nalan Yuehui's medical skills, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Wow, look at the good-for-nothing you agreed to play with a silver needle, and your strength... Your sister's rumors are indeed wrong, she should be a genius!

But every time Nalan Yue focused on practicing medicine and saving lives, she would automatically rule out external interference, so she didn't notice that the friends around her were stunned!
Only Ye Jin couldn't help but look away...

When they first met, she also attracted him with this superb silver needle... From then on, the two unprovoked lines intersected together!


"Okay!" Nalan Yue's voice startled him, and he finally withdrew his thoughts.

His eyes fell on her.

"Remember to take one dose of this medicine every day!" Nalan Yue pulled out the silver needles on the brother and sister, and then he took out a white jade bottle and handed it to the table.

Kuo Lintian's handsome face showed a very grateful smile, "Thank you, Miss, for saving me and my sister again today... If you want to help me in the future, Kuo Lintian will definitely be willing to do so!"

Nalan Yue nodded slightly, put away the silver needle disinfectant and put it in the space, then walked towards Ye Jin's side.

"Wow, sister Yueyue, you really are a miracle doctor, my internal injuries are all healed!" Lizi Xiaoliu tried to mobilize her spiritual power, she was so ecstatic that she almost knocked off the roof of the house!
"Just don't use your spiritual energy indiscriminately!" Meng Luo frowned beautifully, walked over and patted the little girl on the forehead.

"Why did you hit me..." Little Loli confronted him unhappily.

The other people in the room, including Little Lolita's brother Kuo Lintian, couldn't help but look at the two of them meaningfully.

Tsk tsk, it looks like there's something going on!

(End of this chapter)

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