Chapter 433 Mrs. Hei
Maybe it's because the original owner is autistic...or maybe it's because she's integrated into this body so well!
In fact, she also missed a possibility... that is, the original owner's body was hers!
In other words, they were one person!

Of course, Nalan Yue just smiled at this, and now she still puts aside the thoughts in her mind and concentrates on dealing with the big lotus!

"It's clearly a blessing, but it's called provocation by the eldest lady. Let's all see how the eldest lady treats the concubine daughter!"

Nalanyue wrapped her fingertips around her hair, and kicked the ball on her with a few casual words, discrediting her by the way!
"Isn't it? The third sister just wished the elder sister kindly, but she can still be said to be provocative. Daddy, you have also seen how us concubine daughters..." Nalan Mei's expression that hesitated to speak, no matter the expression Still the action is very good.

That's what moved a hard-hearted person like Nalan Jue...

He is almost on the verge of being called a queen-level actor!

But I can't see that Nalan Mei, who has always been brainless, can perform so well this time!
Nalan Yue threw a look at her, over there, Nalan Mei seemed to understand her thoughts, and secretly glared at her!
Heh heh, he finally opened his mind recently, can't he?

Naturally, the eldest lady couldn't let them be fooled, and immediately retorted sharply, "You two are talking nonsense, I have never abused you! Master have to decide for the concubine!"

Nalan Jue showed an impatient look on his face, it would be fine if the lady didn't explain, but this explanation means that there is no silver 300 taels here!

Nalan Jue, who was originally skeptical, now affirms that it is the Da Furen who usually deducts the children's expenses!

His face became more and more gloomy, and he shook off the eldest lady vigorously!
On the side, Aunt Liu came out at the right time, with a face that was well-maintained as if it was two decades old, and made a soft gesture, "Master, I think my sister didn't do it on purpose, this prime minister can hold a boat in his belly!"

Nalan's complexion turned brighter this time when he stepped down the steps, and he praised Aunt Liu, who was still pleasing to the eye compared to the regular wife he married later.

So... a woman should be weak when the time is right, but she still can't lose the scheming and quality she should have!
Just like Aunt Liu, she judges the situation, but she also has her own way of life in her heart!
And Da Furen almost got a mouthful of blood stuck in her throat, being hacked over and over again, her lungs were going to explode!
Nalan Yu's intimate little padded jacket naturally saw her mother's anger at the moment, so she tugged on the prince's sleeve.

With tears in her eyes, Mei Mou beckoned him to help!

The prince met her beautiful eyes with water mist, his heart softened suddenly, and he felt a little guilty, after all, he really hurt this little girl's heart before!
Thinking of this, he vented all his troubles on Aunt Liu, "You are a concubine who can't stand on the stage, what right do you have to stand here and talk!"

Cheap, concubine... These two words seemed to tear her self-esteem apart. Aunt Liu immediately lowered her head, hiding the hatred that flashed in her eyes!

With Nalan Mei's impulsive nature, she immediately wanted to retort, but was held back by Nalan Yue.

Staring at her angrily, Nalan Yue ignored her little girl's temper and looked directly at the prince, "What is a concubine? I don't know when Hua Guo set up such a title?"

For the sake of what Aunt Liu just said for her, she will also help her!
(End of this chapter)

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