Chapter 438 What is that?

"Miss, Young Master Feng and Young Master Luo are here!" Just as her hair was about to be tied up, Lu'er's voice sounded by the door.

"Understood, go there immediately!"

Beside her, the man stretched out his big dry hand, wrapped her around her, and smiled at each other, "Let's go!"

Before he walked out the door, he heard the loud laughter of a few brats outside, and it seemed that Little Lolita Bei Lier was also there.

Seeing the scene where Nalan Yue and Ye Jin came out hand in hand, Feng Chu immediately looked at the two sourly, "Okay, let me tell you how to get to Prince Jin's Mansion and the guard said you were not there, so I guess you are here!"

"You don't really have... that, that or something!"

As soon as he said this, Nalan Yue suddenly felt embarrassed, as if he had been exposed!

Have you considered that there are still women here?
Ye Jin snapped coldly, "Shut up!"

"Just treat it like a dog barking!" Slightly lowered his head, looking at Nalan Yue dotingly.

Nalan Yue pursed her lips, not paying attention at all.

After all, she is also a modern person, she has never seen anything, the one wearing a bikini on the beach, taking pictures of her butt showing her breasts...

On the contrary, Li'er and little Lolita might be a little shy and embarrassed, but who knows that little Lolita looked at everyone with a confused face, "Then what is it?"

There was an eerie silence among the crowd!
Now there is still such a pure child... Looking at Nalan Yu who has already experienced many battles!
It was Meng Luo who coughed twice, and his eyes wandered, "You will know when you grow up!"

The little loli said "Oh". Compared with the cool hairstyle of the bird's nest yesterday, today she has two buns in her hair, and now with that half-understanding look, it will almost make people cute!
"Let's go, let's go, today is Little Mencius's competition!" Feng Chu brought up the topic, and naturally he was the one who smoothed things over.

That's right, it's getting late, you have to know that arriving late will be treated as a waiver!

A few people went straight to the gate of the yard, Lizi chirped like a cheerful bird along the way, "Thank you for releasing the mission, my brother has already taken the storm group to complete the mission!"

Hmph, today the president learned that these noble people named the Stormtroopers, that's called a flattery!
Bei Qian'er's two dimples glowed faintly under the bright sun.

Nalan Yue and Ye Jin looked at each other and smiled...

Meng Luo doted on the little girl who was running around.

As for Feng Chu, he stared at them sadly, and silently looked at the surrounding flowers and plants...

"Wow, Sister Yueyue, your garden is so big and beautiful!" Bei Li'er looked at the huge garden in surprise, and it was midsummer at this time, so the flowers and plants bloomed extremely gorgeously.

The aroma was tangy, and the little girl couldn't help reaching out to pick a colorful bouquet, which looked like a rainbow under the golden light!
"Where is the servant who dares to destroy the tribute from the court? It is a rainbow flower from the Western Regions, worth tens of thousands of gold!" Suddenly, a sharp voice pierced through!

It seems to be a national treasure that has been removed!
It was also because of the sudden scolding that Bei Li'er was stunned for a moment, and her fingers were pricked by the sharp thorns on the rainbow flower!

Bright red blood gushed out immediately, and the strong color immediately made Meng Luo's heart ache.

Quickly stepped forward and pressed her fingers with a handkerchief, Bei Li'er bit her lower lip tightly, and looked at the person who spoke just now, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I don't know, I will pay for it!"

(End of this chapter)

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