Chapter 446
"Stupid domain saint, disgusting! I'm so disgusted, ahhh, now I have the urge to kill her!"

"Have you noticed that her brother Lan Xuan threw himself on men before, but now her younger sister actually likes women, the whole family is perverted!"

"My elder brother is Duanxiu, my younger sister is Lily, hahaha..."

The power of the masses is irresistible, there is a lot of curses, and of course there are some people whistling at the screen!
After all, if you don't look at it, you don't look at it, and if you look at it, you don't look at it for nothing...

Damn it, Nalan Yue was about to burst out laughing, she finally figured out why Lan Xin'er had that smell on her body, it turned out that she was framed by someone!

This is what she deserves!
Which hero's masterpiece is this, my sister gave him 32, no, 120 likes!
"Are you satisfied?" The man's voice clearly reached her ears even in this boiling scene.

Nalan Yue was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought of Ye Jin's strange behavior before, so the root cause is here!
Puff puff!God Ye Nan is too unscrupulous, the last time he dealt with Luo Zhenzhen he dropped him naked on the city wall, this time he did it directly!
Aww, that's awesome, this is how you should be quick and ruthless when dealing with scumbags!

Ye Jin smiled dotingly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he had already said that he would not let Lan Xin'er go!

Hurt Xiaoyue'er on the tip of his heart again and again, she must be punished!

"Lan Xin'er, you are a majestic domain saint, you actually have the face to stay here, get out!", whoever took the lead in the crowd yelled, and everyone's eyes were on that They all gathered on her in an instant.

Fascinated by the scene on the screen, he actually forgot that Lan Xin'er was on the field today!
His eyes pierced Lan Xin'er like a needle!

She is almost the focus of the audience!

Lan Xin'er shook her head frantically, bit her lower lip with her white teeth, her beautiful eyes were full of tears, she was very pitiful.

It's a pity that everyone has seen such a thing, and now it's a conservative ancient time, who would feel pity for her.

Lan Xin'er opened her mouth, wanting to explain but she didn't know how to follow and explain. After all, there are still photos to prove it, so it's too late for her to say anything!

Damn it, it's really hateful, it's obvious that I'm the one behind the frame!
Especially looking at Nalan Yue's eyes looking at jokes, she wished she could bite her silver teeth.

"I didn't do..."

It was fine if she didn't explain, but when she explained, the entire auditorium rioted, especially those men who usually regarded her as a goddess, they wanted to tear her apart!
Goddess, their goddess actually looks like this!
Lively destroyed the beauty in their hearts...

The crowd couldn't help but rallied and attacked them, each of them seemed to have been beaten to death, swearing so much that they were about to fight together! !
"Go away... dead woman, return my sister!"

The most exciting thing here is Luo Hao, no wonder Luo Zhenzhen didn't come back yesterday, it turns out, it turns out... was ruined by her!
Then think about it, her sister is now in danger!

"I want to die with you..."

"Fuck off, holy maiden... a slut is more or less the same!"

"Get lost...disgusting!"

I don't know when Lan Xin'er's body has grown something like egg yolk and rotten vegetable leaves, and her black hair is thick and sticky on her cheeks!
It's extremely disgusting, how could she have the noble and elegant appearance of the previous saint!
No matter how she and her brother Lan Xuan resisted, they still couldn't quell the anger of the people!
Now Lan Xin'er is like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats her!

(End of this chapter)

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