Chapter 457 Plants vs Zombies
Nalan Yue couldn't help but sneer in her heart, which meant that the whole game was broadcast live!

So... Heh, finally her "hard work" of risking a long needle to prescribe medicine was not in vain!

In front of her was the water-shaped door, which was also the door of fate. Nalan Yue took a deep breath and raised her foot to enter.

It's just that what she didn't realize was that, with both hands hanging under the sleeves of the national teacher, he inadvertently and secretly shot a circle and shot at the water-like door.

Just entering the secret realm, Nalan Yue felt a dimness in front of her eyes, and in the blink of an eye, it was already a scene of singing birds and fragrant flowers.

Obviously, it has entered the secret realm!

The surroundings are very quiet, beautiful as if in a fairy tale world, it is impossible to imagine that this is a secret place full of dangers!

Nalan Yue looked around, and some looked behind her. Logically, after she came in, she should immediately be Ye Jin behind her!
But I have been waiting for a long time and I have not waited for a figure!
Nalanyue was suspicious, could it be that everyone's levels are different, so they couldn't be divided into one at all!

Since this was the case, Nalan Yue didn't wait any longer. You must know whoever goes out first in this game will be the winner!
He raised his feet and walked forward, but no matter how Nalan Yue walked, the surrounding scene did not change in any way!

Nalan Yue couldn't help shivering, shit, it's so evil!

Could it be that some kind of taboo has been placed here?

"You are right!" The voice of the unknown old man resounded in the space.

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, since the unknown old man knew it, did it mean that he had a solution?

"What is the solution?"

"No, but..." The nameless old man waved his hand frankly, and continued, "But you just need to wait until the secret system is set up!"

Secret system?

Nalan Yue frowned, and the secret system said that she had never heard of it!

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be there—a big screen suddenly pops up in front of Nalan Yue, similar to a black LCD TV!

Nalan Yue stepped back slightly, but her eyes were fixed on the black screen in front of her. Could this be the system of this secret realm?

Just when Nalan Yue was still surprised, the system in front of her had already displayed the set questions, and said in a cold machine tone—"The competition is ready to start, contestants please choose your test questions!"

test questions?Nalan Yue raised her head blankly, only to realize that the test questions had been displayed on the screen:

1: Plants and Zombies
2: Super Mario

3: Adventure Puzzle

Please choose one of the above three test questions for your competition this time!

Nalan Yue was silent for a moment, is this really a competition and not a game?
Don't tell me the secret realm system, you also came here through transmigration, well, you've been defeated!

"I choose the first test question!" Nalan Yue said lightly, anyway, she has played these games before!
The voice of the system appeared again, "Now the game starts, you represent the plant side, if you are attacked by zombies, you will be eliminated!"

Nalan Yue nodded, indicating that she already understood!

Immediately, the surrounding scene became blurred in an instant, and even Nalan Yue, who was standing upright, was a little unsteady at this moment.

When everything returned to calm, Nalan Yue realized that the scene around her had changed!

Narrowing her eyes slightly, she saw a large piece of grass in front of her, with a red line drawn under her feet, and this red line was the final bottom line!

(End of this chapter)

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