Chapter 468 Bird's Nest Maze
The elder in blue hurriedly stood up to suppress the scene, "Everyone, please be quiet... this is not..."

"No, no, fix the big screen quickly!"

"We need to know what is the use of sunflowers. It is too tormenting human beings, oh, tormenting human curiosity!"

"hurry up……"

The voice of the elder in blue was immediately drowned in the din of tens of thousands of people, no matter how loud he shouted, no one paid any attention to him!
At this time, the cold voice of the Great Master was like a deep spring in the scorching weather, touching his heart, "Enough! The big screen is not broken, it is the system that automatically blocked the content!"

"What a fuss, why do you have to let you know about other people's rewards, in case they are spied on..."

There was something in the words of the great master, which made many people puzzled. How could they feel that the great master was favoring Nalanyue inside and outside the words!

But this is such an official discourse that people can't find a trace of refutation!

The audience fell silent again...

And Nalan Yue's side - the secret system is answering her question, "The sun flower you got in the last level, the sun she will produce in the future can make any plant grow quickly, and has a super healing system!"

"In other words, sunflowers are plant doctors!"

Wow, Nalan Yue bit the tip of her tongue subconsciously, her clear pupils widened, which means that her medicinal materials can grow rapidly through the sun flower in the future!
For example, if 100 years of medicinal materials absorb the sun produced by sunflowers, the year can be increased!
At the same time, if the medicinal material is damaged, it can also be repaired!

Nalan Yue took a deep breath, suppressed the urge of ecstasy in her heart, wow, my sister's character is really good, you can get such a heaven-defying thing just by playing games!
The secret system system said coldly again, "Now the second level begins!"

Without giving Nalan Yue any time to breathe, the system teleported her again—to the "bird's nest"-like building that Nalan Yue had seen before!

At the same time, the big screen outside had recovered, and Nalan Yue's figure appeared on it again!

It's just that she has already come inside at this time, and naturally no one can hear about the function of the sun flower!

Everyone can't help complaining...

Nalan Yue opened her eyes only after the teleportation, and looked back, only to realize that she had entered the "bird's nest"!

No wonder I didn't feel faint this time, because the teleportation location was too short!
Khan, the system is really considerate, wouldn't it be good to just let her step in from such a small distance!
Before complaining, Nalan Yue was still observing in this dark space.

I was looking around with a little bit of light outside, and before I could see anything clearly, I heard-"Bang!" A sound!
Nalan Yue tightened her fingers and turned around quickly, only to find that the entrance door suddenly fell down!
The space suddenly became dark, and I couldn't see my fingers!

People in the dark are often the most vulnerable, and at this time all senses are also the most sensitive, but Nalan Yue didn't hear any movement.

The darkness slowly dissipated, revealing a little faint light from above, although not bright enough but enough for Nalan Yue to see the surroundings clearly!

In front of you, there is a winding road, dozens of forks, twists and turns, and reveals a sense of weirdness!

Nalan Yue narrowed her eyes. If she guessed correctly, this group of "bird's nests" should be a maze!
 The author said: I am very busy these long as I have time, I will work hard to code words!Thank you for your company!Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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