Chapter 485 The Last Show (5)

The two people here are interacting tenderly... Meng Luo didn't forget to turn around and say to the big screen, "Lizi, close your eyes, or be careful of getting needles!"

Pfft... another burst of laughter!

Bei Lier smiled and waved at the screen, "I don't want needle eyes... I didn't watch anything!"

After finishing speaking, she tightly covered her eyes with her hands. Although she knew that Meng Luo couldn't see her, she subconsciously did it obediently!
Here, the crown prince has already been dealt with by the system, "Pollution exam, count as abstention!"

It's worthy of the system that even the player has to fix such a tall thing!
The prince was also thrown out of the arena!
Finally, there is silence in the secret territory!
At the same time, the cold voice of the system sounded again, "The game continues...Nalan Yue, you are the last one!"

Nalan Yue's mood, which was originally happy because she got rid of the two dogs and men, was like a punctured balloon, and she was discouraged!
I was stunned for a while, what kind of plane are you doing?
Could it be that the promised reward is to make her the last choice, to pick up what is left by others?
Could it be that the system felt that it was deliberately punishing them, so this so-called "reward!" was actually - punishment! ?

"Pfft..." Someone outside the arena couldn't help laughing.

The people in the arena felt proud at the beginning because Nalan Yue would be rewarded and now there is such a gap.

As for those outside the arena... Nalan Yue's surprised close-up expression is so funny!


Outside the arena, almost immediately after the laughter fell, "Bang!", the surroundings immediately fell silent.

Everyone couldn't help looking there, only to see Nalan Yu being thrown to the ground in a state of embarrassment, that posture was still in the shape of a "big" character!
The men's long gown that was not tightly wrapped around his body has been untied at this moment, and his white body is really fascinating!

There is even... There is a bellyband that falls from the sky like a butterfly!

directly on top of her head.

Nalan Yu woke up in a panic after being thrown like this, she...why did she leave the competition!

Nalan Yu shrunk her eyes in horror, not understanding how all this happened so quickly!

So much so that her mind is still confused!

"Bang!" Another person fell from the sky, it was Prince Night Breeze, and it happened to be on Nalan Yu's body!

"Ah! Brother Prince...Brother!" Nalanyu screamed again, and the weight of that mass almost crushed her lungs and exploded!
Who can explain to her why everything has suddenly become like this, she is obviously taking an exam and choosing a "door"!

She didn't realize her situation at this moment—naked, in front of everyone—until the unearthly low laughter and whistles came from around her!

"Ah! No!" She screamed again, and fainted gorgeously!

She couldn't accept this fact at all!
Whistles filled the audience again...

Everything was in chaos outside the arena, and some people just stood up from their seats to watch for the sake of their eyesight!

Nalan Jue's face was livid, he flew directly to the middle of the field, and scooped up Nalan Yu.

"Slap!" He slapped her hard across the face, "Nice girl! Naughty girl!"

The title of wicked girl has always been used on Nalan Yue, but at this moment, what he is dealing with is...his favorite daughter!
The eldest lady hastily stepped forward crying and stopped...

(End of this chapter)

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