Chapter 510 Underwater World (4)

Everyone raised their eyes one after another, scrambling to see the rules above!
The rules of the "Underwater World" level are as follows:
Every contestant who participates in the underwater world checkpoint must obtain [-] million points to pass the checkpoint smoothly!

The way to earn points - fishing!
The points for each fish are as follows:
Shrimps: [-] point

Common fish: [-]

Medium fish: [-] points
Advanced fish: [-] points
Supreme Fish: [-] points
The king fish under the sea: [-] points!
After reading the point table of this fish, everyone couldn't help but keep silent. How many fish would have to be killed to accumulate [-] points for such points!
However, the more deceitful thing is yet to come - there are two types of fishing competitions, the first is an individual competition, and you need to pay 40% of the points you earn!

The second type is a team competition, (more than two people are considered a team competition) and 50% of the points earned by the entire team need to be handed over!

That is to say, if you choose an individual competition, if you get [-] points, you will have to hand in [-] points, and in a team competition, you will have to hand in [-] points!
Looking at it this way, although the individual competition is better, the team competition is more efficient after all!

It’s just that it’s tricky to turn in the points!

So... Nalan Yue turned around and looked at the few friends beside her, her eyes flicked over the faces of each of them, "Which one should we choose?"

"Team competition!" Several people said in unison, the voice is very firm, must agree!
Nalan Yue smiled and pursed her lips, she didn't say anything, she just stretched out her hand, "High five!"

"Crack!" The crisp high-fives resounded through the bottom of the sea, and their friendship deepened a bit!

Although choosing a team competition will cost 2000 million more points per person than an individual competition, there is nothing better than working together with friends!
Besides, the strength of the team competition is great!
Compared to Nalan Yue and the others who chose to play as a team, only a few of the others formed a team, and most of them still chose to play individually.

However, there were also people who wanted to join Nalan Yue and the others. After all, there were powerful people like Ye Jin and the others, but they were all rejected.

Although the more people in the team, the higher the efficiency, but it also means that the more points will be paid. After all, no one is a fool!
As for the third prince...

Nalan Yue looked at Ye Jin inquiringly. The third prince was no match for them until now, but his character was still good!

Ye Jin frowned a little. In fact, he hoped that he could join, but those complicated things between the royal's easy to make people suspicious!
The third prince is naturally a sensible person, and joked like a joke, "I still like to be free and unrestrained. If you dislike having too many points, remember to give me some..."

His words immediately resolved everyone's previous embarrassment!
Nalan Yue and the others couldn't help laughing out loud!

Number One, who had disappeared before, suddenly appeared like a ghost, "The competition time is set for five days, and the competition begins now!"

Then he disappeared again, as if he had never been there!
All the venues of the fishing competition have been displayed on the screen, just click and you will be teleported there!
Everyone already had their own thoughts in their hearts, and they all clicked on the screen, and they were slowly sent over!
We all know that time is precious, so everyone's actions are very fast!
Soon, there were only Nalan Yue and a few people left in the whole seabed city!

Nalan Yue looked at the few people and suggested...

(End of this chapter)

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