Chapter 528 Octopus Boss Appears (2)

The seaweeds of various colors are soft but hard, and the speed of spreading is unstoppable, almost spreading to their side!
The gray seabed became much darker all of a sudden!
It looks unusually eerie and terrifying, which is obviously different from the vibrant sea area before!

"Not good!" Nalan Yue and the others exclaimed immediately, and rushed over there.

Ye Jin is still there!
Her body rushed forward like a sword from a bow, Nalan Yue immediately confirmed Ye Jin's safety, seeing that Ye Jin was safe and well, her heart immediately returned to its original position.

"What's going on?" Nalan Yue blurted out as she looked at the seaweed that filled the bottom of the sea.

Obviously it was fine just now, but the changes are really changing at will!
"The seaweed has mutated!" Ye Jin's voice was a little dark, and then his pupils shrank and immediately stopped Nalan Yue, "Be careful!"

The sharp knife instantly chopped off the seaweed that was trying to attack Nalan Yue!
Nalan Yue took a deep breath, it was so dangerous that she was so distracted that she forgot that she was on the dangerous seabed!

It's just that what they didn't realize was that at the moment when Nalan Yue was in danger, there was another person rushing up at the same time!

That is Xiao Ziyu!

Seeing her snuggling in his arms, Xiao Ziyu's heart began to grow uncontrollably with "sudden" pain.

That kind of inexplicable sense of familiarity is also densely lingering in my heart, which is almost suffocating!
Then the wave after wave of seaweed left him with little time to think about these questions.

At the same time, Nalan Yue and the others joined the battle again!

This time not only to fight with the fish but also to avoid the tentacle-like algae!

It's just worse!

kill kill kill!

Bonus points for chopping the algae too!
And some fish actually died for no reason!
The points are all going to Nalan Yue's point statistics board!

too weird!

Ye Jin looked at her dotingly, and immediately realized that it was this little girl's trick again, and Nalan Yue stuck out her tongue at him.

Similarly, Xiao Ziyu also realized this point, seeing their intimate movements, couldn't help but feel stagnant, but the movements in his hands became more and more violent!

Her warm and watery face seemed to be covered with a layer of haze!
Ye Jin glanced at him sarcastically from the corner of her eyes, boy, you dare to fight with me with just that little skill!
Go home and drink milk for a few years!
To the enemy, he will always be as poisonous as possible!

Seaweed is about to cover the bottom of the sea, and there are more and more fish schools, and the few people are fighting with all their strength!
Nalanyue released the branches of the little god tree, signaling that it would clean up all the seaweeds, and Xiaofenghuang and Xiaobai directly talked to these seaweeds!

One by one is full of mouthfuls!
And that speed is definitely no less than the reproduction of seaweed!

Nalan Yue learned from them that these seaweeds are actually beneficial to their cultivation, and they can also store energy themselves, so now they are eating with their stomachs open!
Soon most of the seaweeds in the sea area will be eaten up by giving them two little things!

In the end, the seaweeds seemed to be afraid of these two little guys, and they shrank back directly. Unexpectedly, the seaweeds were also bullying!

Xiaofeng and Xiaobai naturally wouldn't let it escape, they kept chasing them while eating!

It also brought a lot of points to Nalan Yue. Although it is seaweed, its points should not be underestimated!
In addition, Nalan Yue poisoned most of the fish on the bottom of the sea before, so those points are still hers in the end!

(End of this chapter)

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