Chapter 539 Nalan Yu's Fate (2)

Nalan Yue was no exception, looking at Uncle Mei with some suspicion.

Not sure what exactly he was going to announce!
The black-haired emperor with a golden crown was handsome, especially his dark eyes which were always half-closed without anger or prestige.

The whole body is full of the breath of the superior!

In contrast, the empress sitting next to him was much darker. At this time, the empress looked at the emperor with some anxiety, and said cautiously, "What is the emperor going to announce..."

As early as the beginning, the emperor quietly wrote the imperial decree aside!

Before he finished speaking, the emperor waved directly at the eunuch beside him, "Xiao Dezi, read the imperial decree!"

"Yes!" The little eunuch next to him immediately unfolded the imperial decree in his hand and read it out, "Everyone listen to the decree!"

All the people echoed, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"By God's blessing, the emperor's edict said: The prime minister has a daughter, Nalan Yu. Her behavior is bad, her thoughts are vicious, and she even pollutes the competition. Therefore, the title of princess concubine is abolished, and she is bestowed as a concubine. She will not be promoted in this life! This— —”

As soon as the voice fell, wow...everyone was silent!

The faces of the queen and the prince were even paler, they were all on the same boat, one was prosperous and the other was damaged!
They don't even think about getting the support of the prime minister in the future!

Back then when Nalan Yu was bestowed as the crown princess, it was announced to the world, that would be envious of others, but now she is directly bestowed as a concubine!

This gap - plummeting, the difference between cloud and mud!

Of course, there are not a few people who gloat over others' misfortune. After all, who doesn't want the name of a princess, and the skin of a prince is also good!
But when the eldest lady heard it, her eyes widened in horror and her lips screamed, but the removed chin could only make her make a sound like "ahhhh".

But Nalan Yu, who was hugged by her, woke up at this moment, and just heard the imperial decree just after waking up!

"No——" Nalan Yu roared in despair, like a mad trapped animal, she struggled out of Da Furen's arms and ran towards the stage.

Disheveled and messy hair like a madman!
"Scream girl, stop for me!" Nalan Jue grabbed her and slapped her hard several times with "slaps!"
Nalan Yu's face suddenly felt hot and painful, and at the same time, these slaps woke her up!
Tears flowed uncontrollably, it was simply impossible to accept this reality!
Why, why did Nalan Yue, who was originally a good-for-nothing, become No.1 in this competition, and was even admitted by Qinglong Academy!

As for her... her reputation will be ruined!
Nalan Yu was almost unable to breathe, and looked at Nalan Yue viciously, wishing to tear her apart!
It's all's all her...

"Nalanyue, go to hell!" Suddenly, Nalanyu seemed to be crazy, her whole body swelled up, and she wanted to explode herself!

Let's die together with Nalan Yue!

Anyway, it doesn't make any sense for her to live like this now, she might as well drag Nalan Yue to die together!

Even in hell she will fight with her!
No one expected that Nalan Yu would really go crazy!
The scene suddenly became chaotic!

Da Furen let out a heart-piercing roar, breaking through the limit, "Yu'er..."

Nalan Yu is about to rush to Nalan Moon!

Ye Jin was about to fly her away, but Nalan Yue signaled him that she would do it herself!

She has been very calm, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

Nalan Yu, if you want to die with me, it depends on whether you have the ability! !

(End of this chapter)

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