Chapter 550

All of a sudden, the queen was brought to the forefront. If she continued to talk about things, it meant that she was questioning everyone here!

But if she didn't say...ha, she could only knock out her teeth and swallow it in her stomach.

The queen wanted to cry but had no tears. For the first time after living for so long, she felt an unspeakable aggrieved feeling!

The crown prince saw that the situation had fallen, and pointed at Nalan Yue and shouted, "Four towers, four towers, just four towers! The towers are so big...Gan Jinclaw Pig Tower!"

It's her, it's her, it's her!She hit the prince... Hurry up and catch her!

It's a pity that no matter how he yelled, everyone didn't understand a word. Instead, they looked at him with relish, as if they were watching a monkey juggling!

The prince almost spat out a mouthful of blood, his voice was almost hoarse and no one could understand what he meant!
In the end, the emperor couldn't stand it any longer, so he pretended to find out that he was normal, and exclaimed, "Where's the pig's head, hurry up and drag it down, don't affect everyone's appetite!"

"Yes!" Immediately, a guard dragged the "monkey" away!

The prince naturally didn't want to just leave like this, he struggled and roared, "Fuhuang, Fuhuangwo is Feng'er, Ni Fang Kaiwo, lazy and about Ni is for Ou Deng..."

Father, father, I am Feng'er, let me go, oh, Nalanyue, just wait for me!

But his people were pulled away, and his voice gradually faded away.

Nalan Yue gave him a sneering look, and then said silently, "I'll wait!"

The emperor rounded the field, "Come, let's have a drink with me!"

"All blessings, Your Majesty..."



The palace banquet came to an end in this farce. Even if you teased the prince so much, the emperor didn't mean to blame her at all.

From now on, Nalan Yue is no longer that trash who can be bullied by others, but has become the object of everyone's curry favor!

At the same time, they have also become "other people's children" in others' mouths, so boys and girls of the opposite age to her don't know how many times they have been tortured by their parents!

What I deeply remember is this amazing character who defeated the direct descendants bit by bit from the trash, and finally succeeded in the counterattack!
The palace banquet was over, and when everyone was about to leave, Nalan Yue and Ye Jin were left in the palace.

The emperor, who was slightly drunk at first, seemed to wake up all of a sudden, looking at them like every ordinary elder looking at his own children, "Xiao Jiu, take Yue'er to see your concubine mother!"

But Ye Jin glanced at him indifferently, and walked directly to Nalan Yue without saying anything.

It seems that there is no father-son relationship between them, but passers-by on the street!



Nalan Yue's eyes fell on the two father and son, it seemed that their relationship was not good, and it seemed to be very stiff!

"You and your royal father..."

As soon as she opened her mouth to ask, Ye Jin interrupted, "Don't mention him, he is not worthy to be the king's father!"

The night was as dark as ink, and the moonlight was slightly cool. Nalan Yue was startled slightly by his hostile words, raised her eyes to look at him, then lowered her eyes, biting her lower lip lightly.

Hmph, why are you so fierce!

Ye Jin looked back at the girl who had been complaining. She looked like a scolded child, and she couldn't help but put her hand on her head, "I... didn't do it on purpose, it's just that this man once hurt my mother. !"

Although he was still young at that time, he overheard his mother saying that he was hurt by a man...

(End of this chapter)

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