Chapter 552 Mother’s Story (2)

"Look!" Nalan Yue pointed at the portrait!

Ye Jin looked there along her fingers, and when he saw the two women in the portrait, especially the one who looked exactly like Nalan Yue, his pupils inadvertently shrank!
Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "One of the women in this portrait is my concubine mother, and the other is probably your mother!"

The man looked down at her with lowered eyebrows, and added, "No wonder I always felt very familiar when I saw you! Yue'er, do you think this is a preordained thing?"

Pay attention to your size!
Is it time to talk about romance?

Nalan Yue gave him an angry look and poked his chest, "But they know each other?"

Hearing her question, Ye Jin also frowned.

In the past, he didn't pay much attention to the woman next to his concubine, but now he suddenly became his future mother-in-law!

At this time, the outer door was suddenly opened, and Nalan Yue and Ye Jin subconsciously looked there.

It's the emperor!
"What are you doing here!" Ye Jin said in an unkind tone, with a hint of coldness between her brows.

Clearly didn't like seeing him in this place!
The emperor was stunned, and although he was also annoyed in his heart, his heart suddenly softened when his eyes glanced at the paintings on the wall.

There is no anger left!
Instead, he sighed softly, "I heard what you just said, so let me tell you!"

Nalan Yue's eyes widened, expecting him to continue talking.

Ye Jin leaned against the back of the chair and snorted coldly, obviously not wanting to see him, but she didn't lose her temper either.

The emperor didn't care, he just found a seat and sat down, and called Nalan Yue to sit down as well.

Nalan Yue nodded, moved down to the chair next to her, and looked at him with her eyes.

An inexplicable feeling of anticipation rolled in my heart, and I became more and more curious about my mother, who I had never met!

All the influential figures in the continent are full of peach blossoms, the most powerful one is the prime minister who is insane, because of his love, he seized his daughter, and now he has something to do with the concubine Xiang who was loved by thousands of people...

I really don't know what else my mother did!

The emperor took a sip of tea, put down the exquisite jade cup, and began to speak slowly, "You are right, Shui Lan is indeed your mother, a figure from Fengyun Continent back then!"

Water billow?

Inexplicably, Nalan Yue felt familiar with this name. It turned out that her mother's name was Shui Lan!

Even though Nalan never told her about his mother before and never mentioned his mother's name, even the materials that Ye Jin investigated didn't even include her mother's initials except for a portrait of her mother!

It's really strange!
During the emperor's successive explanations, Nalan Yue gradually understood why, the reason was that her mother Shui Lan had done a big thing at that time!
It is also because of this "big event" that her story is legendary, but it has not been mentioned by the world. At that time, the world put on colored glasses and looked at her with a hostile look, as if she What an unforgivable thing you did!

The curiosity and doubt in Nalan Yue's eyes became even heavier, she raised her eyes to look at the emperor, "What the hell is that?"

The emperor smiled wryly and shook his head, but he never mentioned this matter. Instead, he warned her, "You just need to know that you will stay away from the domain in the future!"

 The author said: I'm sorry~~~ I accidentally made a mistake before the chapter, (crying), I spent most of the night doing this, and the chapters that are less and better will be added tomorrow!I'm really sorry... Girls, if you still see duplicate or chaotic chapters, please add the book to the bookshelf again! (so big!)

(End of this chapter)

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