Chapter 554
It's just that you are too twisted and don't know how to face it, so you will become indifferent!

Ye Jin put her arms around her from behind, put her big hands around her waist, and put her handsome face next to her ear, "Yue'er, why can't you be a little stupid..."

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes angrily, but what he said was a tacit consent to her words, she tilted her head and looked at him sideways, "Then why don't you wait to see the emperor?"

The father and son are like enemies for several lifetimes!

Ye Jin curled her lips indifferently, "It's just annoying to see!"

Nalan Yue: "..." Alright!
Sure enough, violent princes are capricious!

"Yue'er, why do I feel that you are scolding me in your heart?" The man suddenly whispered in his ear!
Fuck, I know this!
Nalan Yue was taken aback, and quickly smiled flatteringly, "How could it be..."

"Why not!" The man smiled treacherously, and hugged her directly, "Yue'er, you are finished!"

Nalan Yue lifted her little powder fist and hit him on the chest, but it fell on the man like drizzle, "Ye Jin...don't be a hooligan!"



King Jin's Mansion

Last night, Ye Jin hugged her and rushed back to the palace for [-] miles. She said, "I'm not used to living in the palace, but I'm actually full of dirty thoughts!"
The two of them were staring at each other on the bed early in the morning, when Ye Jin suddenly said, "Yue'er, when will we get married?"

Nalan Yue rolled his eyes at him before saying leisurely, "There's no rush!"

Now there are so many things and questions waiting for her to solve, how can she have any thought about whether to get married or not!

Ye Jin pinched her tender little face, and stared at her sadly and arrogantly, "Hmph, anyway, you are already my king's!"

"Yes!" Nalan Yue rolled her eyes at him again and responded.

Boring and childish!
After waking up and washing up, Nalanyue was going back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, but this time Ye Jin didn't bother to send her off, but instead just asked the unicorn carriage to drive her back.

Nalan Yue glanced at Ye Jin who was leaning against the door suspiciously in her heart, and caught the look of victory on his face, and suddenly got goosebumps all over her body!

Maybe this master is going to come up with some tricks again!
"My king, Yue'er, is too busy with important matters to see you off, so I can only leave you alone!" Ye Jin waved at her.

Hearing his tone, Nalan Yue almost slipped on the soles of her feet, and hurried into the carriage, she couldn't help but pat her little heart.

Fuck, lonely~lonely, your sister!

After the carriage left, Ye Jin, who had a lazy face, immediately turned serious, and looked at the butler standing respectfully by the side.

"Is everything ready?"

"Please don't worry, my lord!"

Ye Jin suddenly laughed like a kid, his already handsome face became even more presumptuous at this moment.

But Jean couldn't help asking again, "Is there anything wrong?"


"Is there too little preparation for that?"

"Everything is prepared according to the size of the princess and queen, please rest assured, my lord!"

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"


"That's good!"

The butler was almost messed up in the wind, what does it feel like for Lord Gao Leng to change his words in a second!
It is the speechless feeling of tens of thousands of mud horses galloping past together with the scorching heat of the volcanic eruption...

I really don't know what kind of magical power that girl Nalan possesses to turn the normally unsmiling, bloodthirsty, brutal, appalling Ninth Prince into what he is now!
(End of this chapter)

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