Chapter 586 Xiao Ziyu is Here (2)

It's just that Ye Jin's dark eyes flashed a hostile look from time to time, obviously annoyed at being interrupted.

Men who are dissatisfied with desire are really scary!
Nalan Yuefei said a few words, neatly straightened her clothes and hair, "Let's go out quickly, maybe something serious will happen!"

Ye Jin gritted his teeth at the side, "I hope he can really do something big!"

Nalan Yue's scalp went numb when she heard the voice of gnashing her teeth, and once again sighed that a man who is dissatisfied with desire is really scary, Feng Chu, you boy, please ask for blessings!

As soon as he stepped out of the space, Feng Chu had already lifted the curtain and entered, but he didn't see the scene where the two were not in the carriage before!

Nalan Yue was summoning the phoenix bracelet back to the bracelet at this time, when she saw him, she just glanced at him lightly, and gave him a look of "seeking good fortune".

Feng Chu immediately showed his hair, and for some reason suddenly felt a chill down his back.

Suddenly raised his head to meet Shang Yejin's fierce gaze, Feng Chu shuddered, and muttered with red lips, "Ye, Yejiu, what are you doing..."

Looking at Nalan Yue as if asking for help, when the corner of her eyes caught sight of her somewhat red and swollen lips, Feng Chu seemed to understand something, but she didn't seem to understand!
Is it to disturb their good deeds?
But it's not right, I obviously didn't hear their loving voice outside!
So... it shouldn't be!
Just before he could think of a way out, Nalan Yue suddenly said, "Why did the carriage stop?"

Yes, the carriage should have stopped in place at this time, because even the slight vibration and the wind noise were gone.

I don't know why the carriage was stopped.

Both pairs of eyes looked at Feng Chu at once.

Feng Chu immediately patted the back of the head, and said sadly, "It's all you... This young master was going to say this just now..."

"Xiao Ziyu is in front of our carriage!" Listening to Feng Chu's long speech, Meng Luo spoke concisely and straight to the point.

Bei Li'er followed behind and added, "His carriage is broken!"

"Ai ai ai... How can you steal my lines!" Feng Chu stared at their faces, brushing against them.

But Nalanyue understood the general meaning, it was nothing more than Xiao Ziyu's carriage broke down halfway, and now he couldn't go to the village or back to the store, and happened to meet their carriage, so he wanted them to give him a ride along the way!

"What a coincidence!" Ye Jin sneered immediately after hearing this, he thought it was such a big deal!

"Press it directly!"

The man spoke directly, raised his chin arrogantly, and didn't pay attention to Xiao Ziyu.

There is still a ride, and there are no doors!

When the carriage is not broken, but at this time it breaks down, and it happens to meet their carriage, do you think he is a fool who can't guess what's inside?

Xiao Ziyu and this king are fighting for a woman, you are still a little tender!

What Ye Jin can think of, Nalan Yue can naturally think of, and then think of the smokeless war between the two men in the underwater world...

Suddenly, I had a headache, but after all, she is also a young master, and she is another partner of her identity, so...

"Let's take a look first and then talk!" Nalan Yue tugged at Ye Jin's cuffs, narrowed his eyes and scanned the outside of your carriage, signaling him to go out and see the situation first.

Unable to bear her temper, Ye Jin had no choice but to condescend and get out of the carriage.

Xiao Ziyu's brows and eyes are as warm as jade as usual, like a spring breeze, and the smile on his lips seems to warm the autumn flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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