Chapter 595 Meet Again (2)

It was Nalan Yue who told the truth straight away, and glanced playfully at the two holding hands, "I'm afraid they bought it for Lizi!"

All of them were born extraordinary, no matter how bad they are, they are still the "fake" daughters of the prime minister. On the other hand, only Bei Li'er was born ordinary, and the price of the interspatial ring may not be able to afford one in a lifetime.

The young man lowered his head shyly, nodded heavily, and dragged Bei Li'er into the weapon shop in the back with some fled.

Feng Churao touched his chin meaningfully, "I don't know that little Mencius is so shy!"

"You think everyone is as thick-skinned as you!"

Ye Jin and Meng Luo complained in unison.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled and walked into the weapon shop.

Only Feng Chu was left with a frantic and helpless look!
Make friends carelessly!
As expected of the No. [-] city in the mainland, a small weapon shop is filled with a wide variety of goods, including quite a few high-end goods.

It's just... the price is too dark!
This was Nalan Yue's first feeling when she entered the shop. The second girl saw them dressed gorgeously and thought: There is someone who can be slaughtered.

He immediately stepped forward with a smile on his face, "What do you guys want to buy?"

"Things of space!"

Meng Luo followed the cute Bei Li'er, and glanced slightly at the waiter in the shop.

Here, the waiter mysteriously took a box and opened it in front of them with a smile, "These are the best space items in our store. They have a large capacity and are of great quality... blah blah blah..."

It's no different from those modern salesmen, with the attitude that you must say that you are willing to pay for it!

Meng Luo didn't say anything, as long as Li Zi liked which one he would buy.

Bei Lier chooses carefully here, the upright and irrelevant is very three-dimensional, coupled with her petite figure, it is like a real-life Barbie doll.

Ye Jin and Nalan Yue were also standing on a row of shelves looking at the weapons, but both of them looked a little bit lacking in interest.

After all, they are all people who would rather lack than abuse, and they already have the best, so naturally they don't need anything else.

Just when she was so bored that the grass was about to grow, Meng Luo and Bei Li'er finally picked it out - it was a light pink bracelet, and her skin looked extraordinarily fair when worn on her hand.

Like a pale pink cherry blossom.

A few people paid the money and were about to leave the shop, but they all ignored one point—Feng Chu didn't come in with them at all.

Everyone who realized this couldn't help but frown. After all, this is a strange place. If something unexpected happened...

"Even if he is sent to Java, he can still live well!" Ye Jin shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. In his opinion, Feng Chu is like that unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Everyone: "..."

As soon as they walked out of the shop, they heard a loud noise outside——

"Stop, won't you apologize if you hit someone?"

"Damn it, who bumped into you, it's obvious that you guys jumped on me to eat tofu!"

As soon as she heard Zi Lian's voice, Nalan Yue immediately recognized that it was Feng Chu's!
It seems that he is alive and well!

"If you slander our boss again, your mouth will be torn apart!"

"Hehe, don't you beat women when you bully me? You can beat me if you push me too hard!"

"Really?" A clear and unrestrained voice interjected, "Boy, you dare to play with the sisters, you are a little tender!"

 Cough, guess who this little beauty is——

(End of this chapter)

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