Chapter 600 Crystal Ball Test (3)

To know about talent, more than 80% of people are geniuses, let alone 90%!

Lan Xuan raised his eyebrows and smiled proudly, especially with a pair of gloomy and triumphant eyes, he shot at Nalan Yue and gave her a middle finger!
Outright contempt!

No pretense!
Nalan Yue also raised her chin and gave him a sarcastic smile, some people just want to show off something great like this.

Even the female mentor who had a slight crush on him before gave him a sneaky look. Although a talent of 90% is outstanding, it only represents talent, not strength!

The other students couldn't help whispering when they saw his haughty expression.

Feng Chu was the first to be unconvinced, shouting, "90% talent is nothing to show off, a rooster with phoenix feathers!"

"Ha ha……"

"That's right, that's right, this kind of person just claims to be a genius without seeing a genius!"

"Our boss Murong in the second grade was still 98% talented when he first entered school. He is not as proud as him!"

"Isn't it..."

Not only the children's shoes who just entered the school had opinions, but some old students laughed secretly. Of course, there is more or less jealousy in the laughter!

After all, there are probably not even ten out of a hundred people with a talent of ninety!

Lan Xuan listened to the gossip around him, and put down his hand a little resentfully. He originally thought that his talent was very powerful, but he didn't expect that in this academy full of geniuses, he was still an ordinary existence.

My random gesture of raising the middle finger unexpectedly became the object of ridicule by everyone!
With gloomy eyes, he glanced at Nalan, the "culprit", again, revealing a sneer that was watching the show.

Damn trash, it's time for you to make a fool of yourself later!

Long before, he had discovered that Nalan Yue's spiritual energy did not contain any elements at all!
This is not what waste is!
Nalan Yue simply didn't bother to talk to him, to care about this kind of person would simply lower her IQ!

Following the voice of the high-heeled children's tutor, Nalan Yue stepped forward, her clear pupils shrinking slightly.

Hope to test out her attributes!
After cheering herself up, Ye Jin and the others also gave her encouraging looks, and Nalan Yue took a deep breath and strode forward.

Gracefully walked towards the crystal ball.

On the side, Lan Xuan was standing there watching the show.

Nalanyue didn't give him a single glance, she put her slender and clean fingers on the crystal ball, secretly exercising her aura.

Send it up little by little...

The crystal ball is silent!
Continue to deliver...

The crystal ball is still silent!

Seeing such a scene, the students around couldn't help whispering again. No one has ever seen a crystal ball that can't change.

No matter how poor the talent is, the crystal ball will show it!


That person is trash!

And the woman in the blue skirt in front of me doesn't look like a waste no matter what!

At this time, Lan Xuan came over to add insult to injury, raised his eyebrows like a big rooster, "Maybe you don't know yet, she is the legendary waste of the Hua Kingdom—Nalan Yue!"

"What!" Everyone exclaimed!
Hua Guo wastes Nalan Moon?
Huaguo's No.1 in this imperial city competition?
It turned out to be this stunningly beautiful woman in the blue dress...

(End of this chapter)

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