Chapter 612 What Attribute (3)

No matter what, she won't just go on being cowardly like this!
Master must be her master!

And the girl's wrinkled expression fell into Ye Wu's eyes, as if she was a child who was having trouble, and he laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Nalan Yue was already sending aura into the crystal ball at this time, because of the lesson of being sucked by the crystal ball before, Nalan Yue seemed extremely cautious at this time.

This crystal ball is bigger than the one outside, and silvery white light is flowing around it.

Yingying is like the twinkling stars in the sky.

With a little input of her aura, the light inside the crystal ball became more and more intense, and there seemed to be an invisible liquid inside that was flipping crazily!

Like a stormy sea wave, rolling wave after wave!

Nalan Yue could clearly feel that she was not attracted by the crystal ball this time

She guessed that it was probably because of the few mouthfuls of blood she spit out.

Immediately, colorful light burst out again, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it.

The real light is shining!
Almost to the top of the roof...

Ye Wu frowned, and immediately emitted a ray of light from his hand, condensing a protective cover in a very short time to wrap her tightly.

At this moment, Nalan Yue only felt that there was endless power flowing rapidly in her body, and the meridians were also expanding all over Reuben's body.

Even through a layer of skin, you can see the bruising meridians beating. Just when Nalan Yue thought it would burst, the meridians seemed to have penetrated some barrier, and the capacity of the meridians increased several times in an instant!
That's right, it's instant speed!

Her meridians are several times stronger and thicker than before!
The crystal ball was still reflecting the colorful rays of light, and it almost filled the entire protective cover.

There are red, blue, gold, brown...

From the outside, Nalan Yue looked like a princess in a huge crystal ball glowing with colorful lights.

Immediately afterwards, there was an ice-blue water column that was more dazzling than the seven colors, directly breaking through the thick crystal ball...

That's talent!

I saw talent rushing away like a rocket, from 0% to 100% at the end!

Seeing that the blue water column was about to rush up, Nalan Yue's pupils shrank sharply at this moment!
Then, I only heard a "bang--"!
The crystal ball split directly, shattered like a spider's web, and the shattered wafers were layered upon layer. The sunlight leaking from the window cracks sprinkled on it, making it extremely dazzling.

Talent actually broke the crystal ball?

Nalan Yue looked at her clean hands in surprise, and glanced blankly at the shattered crystal ball.

So stupid?

On the other hand, Ye Wuzun just glanced at it lightly, as if he would have expected this to happen.

Not caring about the shattered crystal ball, his eyes fell on Nalan Yue's cheek thoughtfully.

Realizing that he was staring at her, Nalan Yue bit the tip of her tongue and said, "This crystal ball..." Broken?failed?


This is probably the most kind word Master has ever said to me!
Nalan Yue secretly slandered, but still asked curiously, "My lord, what happened to the black blood I spit out earlier?"

Ye Wude's eyes suddenly sank, his brows were furrowed, thinking about whether to say it or not.

Seeing his expression like this, Nalan Yue couldn't help but sigh secretly—couldn't she say something wrong again?
(End of this chapter)

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