Chapter 614 What Attribute (5)

Nalan Yue understands too well that if a person possesses something that does not match her current strength, what a disaster it will be.

So in order to be able to practice quietly in the future, she felt that she had to keep a low profile, as long as she hit the little friends around her!

In fact, it seems that Master still cares about her a lot.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wuzun glanced at her faintly and forgot to see through her thoughts, "You think too much, and every student deity would do the same."

The more you explain, the more you feel like there is no silver 300 taels here!

Do not believe!

Nalan Yue's eyebrows completed a small crescent shape. May I ask, which student can shatter the crystal ball?

Do you think that a crystal ball is tofu that can be crushed when you shoot it? How is it possible!

"Let's go!" Ye Wuzun turned around and didn't want to take another look at her.

He was also afraid... afraid that he would reveal the emotions in his heart.

Nalan Yue let out an "oh" and glanced at him again, his broad back came into view.

Different from the entangled mood when she came here, the corners of Nalan Yue's lips were raised at that time, and the firmness in her eyes did not diminish at all.

Master, whether you recognize Yue'er or not, Yue'er will be your apprentice for life after life, even through time and space!

Nalan Yue said silently from the bottom of her heart, leaving reluctantly, it seems that she still needs to find out more information about the master, and strive to become his apprentice.

This task is extremely difficult!



When she walked out of the yard, Ye Wuzun turned around slowly, his silver robe shone like stars, and his silver hair fluttered.

The beauty is captivating, but it is also floating in the dust.

The girl's back finally dissipated in the eyes, but Ye Wuzun's expressionless face softened, and his soft expression was like the scorching sun shining on the earth at the beginning of the sun.

He raised his hand and gently picked up the crystal ball that was shattered by her on the table, with a trace of comfort in his eyes, he murmured, "Stinky girl, another crystal ball wasted..."

Having said that, the relief and joy in his eyes almost overflowed.

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess!" Ye Wuzun sighed helplessly and put away all the crystal balls on the table.

Yue'er, how can Master not want to recognize you, but doing so will only bring you endless disasters...

Master cannot and cannot do this!

Even if you will be considered a cruel master by the world, the master will not hesitate!

Those people are horribly cruel, I just hope that Yue'er will grow up quickly!

This is the love that a master must be restrained, silent and even indifferent!
Here, Nalan Yue has already walked to the gate of the courtyard, and those few friends are also here.

Seeing her figure, Ye Jin immediately stepped forward with unconcealable concern in her eyes, "How is it?"

Seeing him like this, Nalan Yue couldn't help laughing, and said with a suppressed smile, "It's been tested!"

"Yueyue, what elemental attribute do you have?" Feng Chu asked quickly.

Immediately, several pairs of eyes looked at her curiously.

Nalan Yue glanced at them and found that Xiao Ziyu was there, so she smiled mysteriously and didn't say much.

It's not that she is stingy and doesn't want others to know, it's just that her master also said that her grades are too heaven-defying to be spread out.

What's more, to be honest, she was never willing to reveal her secrets or cards to people she didn't trust.

You never know who is going to stab you in the back!

"I won't even say that an outsider would replace me here!" Ye Jin sarcastically said from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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