Chapter 620 Yunlu Mentor (1)

Nalan Yue frowned, and glanced at Ye Jin with a half-smile in her eyes. The girl is so sincere, give me an answer!
Not far away, Xiao Ziyu, who was ignored by everyone, watched them silently, especially when his eyes stayed on Nalanyue's face for a long time.

Ye Jin's back felt chills for no reason, and she always felt that her princess was smiling maliciously.

Immediately, immediately, quickly he squinted at the girl in front of him coldly, "Get out!"

"Why did you reject me so directly?" The brown-haired girl was not embarrassed at all, but rather curious.

Everyone: "..." Why do you want to be rejected!
She really deserves to be the sister of Chu State who is famous for her openness!

Ye Jin was also a little speechless, but he also knew Chu Guomei's personality, so he glanced at her with disgust and wrapped his arms around Nalanyue's waist, "She is my wife, do you want to be a mistress?"

The girl in front let out an "oh" in surprise, stepped back quickly and apologized to Nalan Yue frequently, "Sorry, sorry, I thought you were brothers and sisters...that's why I confessed,'s all you... Ask someone to confess!"

The brown-haired girl from Chu country turned her head and glared at the girls from the same country as her.

"That little beauty is really sorry, I'm not the kind of white lotus green tea bitch who destroys other people's feelings, please forgive me!"

The girl's sincere big eyes flickered and her face was ruddy.

Nalan Yue broke away from his arms, waved towards the girl in front of her, and also showed a sincere smile, "It's okay, but it's better to find out next time."

"Yeah. You are the most understanding Hua Guo girl I have ever seen!" The girl nodded.

Nalan Yue laughed, there was a reason why she said that!

There is an obscure rumor among the Three Kingdoms—the women in the Hua Kingdom are the type who are very scheming and penny-pinching!
So there is such a rumor that if you want to fight for power and position, you should marry a girl from Hua country, if you want to be free and easy, you should marry a sister from Chu country, and if you want to be gentle and family-friendly, you should be a girl from Lin country!
Of course, these are not absolute!
"By the way, my name is Murong Xiaoman, and they are all my girlfriends!" The brown-haired girl introduced herself enthusiastically, and pointed to the other girls behind her.

"Hello, I'm..." Nalan Yue was about to introduce herself, but was interrupted by Murong Xiaoman and her sister Tao.

"You don't need to introduce, we know you, you are the No.1 in the Nalan Moon Imperial City Competition in Huaguo!"

Nalan Yue was astonished, she shrugged her shoulders suddenly, she couldn't tell that her reputation was so great!
"Don't be surprised, probably no one in the whole school doesn't know your name now!"

"Isn't it? If you are not famous enough to counterattack the Imperial City competition with a useless body, then Ye Wuzun helped you heal your injuries before, then the whole school must know you!"

"It's not that serious!" Nalan Yue touched her nose, Master just helped her, is it so exaggerated?

"It's very serious. You must know that Ye Wuzun is very cold. Do you think he is willing to treat anyone!" Murong Xiaoman whispered in her ear.

This is true, Nalan Yue nodded.

At this time, a high-heeled female tutor was wearing the tutor costume of Qinglong Academy, which was light blue and very refreshing.

It was the female tutor who was at the school gate to help students count their enrollment.

Seeing that the instructor has arrived, everyone hurried back to their seats.

(End of this chapter)

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