Chapter 625 Ye Jin Wants to Leave (4)

Before she has secured her position as the Patriarch of the Murong Family, her younger brother who is a mother must not cause this incident to her!

"I can't find anything?" Murong Xuan exclaimed, and hurriedly curry favor with his sister, "Sister, how can we give them the magic crystal, they are obviously cheating!"

Murong Qing'er gave him an annoyed look, her eyes were full of doting, it could be seen that she still liked this compatriot's younger brother very much, "You think sister wants to do this? But now we have nothing to do, do you want others to put this matter to rest? Pass it out?"

If it is said that word of mouth spreads without proof, it will spread. The problem is that her stupid brother not only signed the note but also recorded the recording!

If it is spread, some old foxes in the family will definitely arrange a "crime" for her of "disciplined brother", and then push her down.

Does it sound ridiculous, but it's a pity that those people in the family can't do anything for the benefit, even if they are talking nonsense with their eyes open, let alone there is evidence!

Murong Xuan wept and shook his sister's arm, "How cheap they are!"

"That's impossible!" A cold light flashed across Murong Qing'er's eyes, if he dared to trick her, Murong Qing'er's younger brother would have to pay some price!
On the opposite side, Murong Xuan saw his sister showing such a dangerous look, and he succeeded. Even if he gave them the magic crystal, his sister would not let them go so easily.

This can be regarded as revenge for him!
Murong Qing'er gave him a sideways glance, how could he not see through the little mischief in his heart, "Okay, let's find them first, the ones with the locator are not necessarily the students of Qinglong College, you all have a good memory of the appearance of those two people ..."

Murong Xuan and the other family members nodded.

"Stay well in the green class and don't cause trouble for my sister!" Murong Qing'er reached out and tapped his forehead. Ever since she crossed over, there hasn't been a day when she hasn't cleaned up the mess for this playboy brother!
"Got it, sister!" Murong Xuan stuck out his tongue mischievously, revealing a row of white teeth.

Murong Qing'er tilted her head thoughtfully, Xuan'er said that they, a man and a woman, are stunningly beautiful... so stunning that they can make people complain.

Damn, how good-looking is this?

However, why is this so similar to the two couples I saw at the weapon shop?
Murong Qing'er was thinking about Ye Jin and Nalan Yue.

But it doesn't make sense logically, it seems that they should be freshmen in this class!

Murong Qing'er hesitated for a while and then forgot about it. For her, there is a more important thing right now - the pharmacist competition!

She wants to replace the boss in the modern "Ghost Hand" organization as the apprentice of Ye Wuzun!

That is the eldest master's master. No one else can get their hands on it. Even if she really became his apprentice, she would not call him "Master" but... Master!
Although the two words have similar pronunciations, their meanings are completely different. "Master" is just a title, while "Master" is a teacher, father, the person who really teaches you!
Thinking about it, Murong Xiaoman who was not far away ran over laughingly and pulled her away, "Sister, you have to cover Xiaoman from now on... Also, you don't know how embarrassing I am today to a man with a wife. The man confessed..."

Murong Xiaoman kept pouring out bitter water, while Qing'er shook her head helplessly, this girl and her younger brother's temperament were almost exactly the same, so she knew how to cause trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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