Chapter 628 Become Master's Apprentice (3)

Nalan Yue didn't explain it either. After all, it's really complicated to explain, and they didn't ask, everyone has a bit of a secret!

"You will become his apprentice." Ye Jin, who had been silent all this time, took her hands and said affectionately.

Similarly, he didn't keep asking why Nalan Yue said that Ye Wuzun was her master in the first place.

"Remember to get rid of the golden light in my body before I come back!" He really couldn't bear the damn golden light on his body!

Although his voice was suppressed very low and even if someone heard him, he wouldn't suspect anything.

But Nalan Yue's cheeks were flushed, after all, this golden light was related to the happiness of both of them!
"alright, I got it."

The girl's voice was as loud as a mosquito, and the corners of Ye Jin's lips rose in joy, looking at her shy face!

On stage
Instructor Yunlu talked about other things, and finally organized the students to sign up for the medicine refining competition half a month later.

Although after the encouraging words from Teacher Yunlu before, in this continent where pharmacists are rare, there are only ten pharmacists in the purple class!
But it is only a junior pharmacist!

Just getting started!
But all ten alchemists signed up for the competition.

After all, even if they don't compete for the position of Master Ye Wu's apprentice, they still want to enter the pharmacy branch!
Naturally, Nalan Yue also signed up, and filled in some basic information on the note handed over by Instructor Yunlu.
After filling it out, she handed it to her. Yunlu showed a smile, expressing that she was very optimistic about her!

Nalan Yue was baffled by her, and then walked out of the classroom with Ye Jin and the others to have dinner.

Although there is a cafeteria in the college, Nalan still goes out to open a small stove in a few months.

When they had just walked a few steps, they felt someone following them, and when they turned their heads, they saw Xiao Ziyu in purple clothes.

The faces of several people changed.

Especially Feng Chu, he immediately shouted, "What are you doing here!"

It may be that he has been under his shadow for a long time since he was a child, so this kid is a little feathered, and he is extremely repulsive when he looks at Xiao Ziyu.

After all, after being tortured by "other people's children" for so long, everyone will have some scars!

Xiao Ziyu smiled warmly, "I forgot my wallet, so I don't mind eating with you?"

"I really mind!" Ye Jin looked at each other coldly.

"Yes, I really mind!" Feng Chu also yelled at the side.

"That's a pity, maybe I should tell the instructor that you are going out privately?" Xiao Ziyu smiled casually, that smile was like a little fox.

However, from head to toe, he can be as gentle as a cup of green tea with green smoke rising.

"I despise people like you who report to your mentor the most!" Feng Chu said with contempt on his face.

The other friends nodded in agreement.

"Then why don't you take me with you!" Xiao Ziyu raised his eyes slightly.

Why does it feel like it's their fault after all?
Nalan Yue and the others expressed their incomparable egg pain!

"Cheek-skinned!" Ye Jin raised her chin in disdain, and led Nalan Yue over the wall, ignoring him.

But there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. He knew how to pretend before, but's a bit weird!

Feng Chu glared at him and Meng Luo also climbed over the wall and went out.

Behind, Xiao Ziyu touched his nose, looked at Nalan Yue's back and smiled wryly.

The reason why he couldn't get into the water as warmly as before was because he recalled some things piecemeal during the last headache...

And among them is the existence of Nalan Yue!
(End of this chapter)

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