Chapter 633 Become Master's Apprentice (8)

They were on the second floor of the library at this time, and there were rows of huge bookshelves in front of them, with countless books placed on them, and even the air was filled with a faint fragrance of ink.

Thinking of the sound from the locator before, she guessed it must be from Ye Jin, Nalan Yue wanted to take out the locator to take a look.

Just wanted to do this, but worried that the light on its screen would be spotted by outsiders so...

She glanced at Xiao Ziyu beside her, and said, "Thank you just now, let's go our separate ways!"

She is now going to find a quiet place to enter the space, but it is definitely not under Xiao Ziyu's nose.

Xiao Ziyu didn't make a sound all the time, but his eyes stayed firmly on her body. Hearing what she said, the surroundings became even more hazy.

Seeing him like this, Nalanyue didn't talk much anymore, she moved like a cat, and left here with three or two twitches.

She has clairvoyance skills, so I want her to be very familiar with every place in the library.

When Nalan Yue arrived at a relatively safe corner, she entered the space and picked up the locator—Ye Nan Shen: Yue'er, where is it?

Nalan Yue quickly typed a few words: Library!

It's been a long time since I sent it, and I haven't received a reply. I guess I'm sleeping.

Nalan Yue came out of the space bracelet without waiting any longer. Because of the previous incident, Nalan Yue put it in the space this time.

Turning around, he went directly to the third floor, and what caught his eye was still a piece of darkness, and the whole space was very quiet.

Nalan Yue's footsteps were almost negligible, and her breath had already been blocked by the unknown old man, so it was difficult for people to notice her existence.

When she was on the second floor before, she took a cursory look when she left, and there was nothing related to Luoyue Continent or alchemists that she wanted.

There must be no more on the first floor, so we can only continue to go up!
After reaching the third floor, Nalan Yue glanced vigilantly and continued to move forward when she saw that there was no danger around her.

She browsed through the rows of books on the shelf, and after reading several rows of books, she still couldn't find the one she wanted.

Finally seeing books on alchemy on the top of the last row of bookshelves, Nalan Yue lightly raised her foot and pulled out a book to read.

There is no way, half a month later is the pharmacist competition, she can't refine western medicine in the competition, right?
It is undeniable that western medicine is very popular in this world now, but she cannot expose herself to the sun, otherwise what awaits her is not applause but disaster!

A pharmacist is as rare in this world as the national treasure giant panda. If several parties want to get her and she chooses nothing or chooses one of them, she will be hunted down endlessly by others.

This is something she absolutely cannot allow, so now she can only grind her guns before the battle!
Ordinary pills must be refined!

Nalan Yue sighed slightly, and collected all the books on refining medicine on the shelf in the space, there were hundreds of books, but it was not enough for her to read in half an hour!
After taking the book, Nalan Yue was about to go back and read it quickly and return it before dawn, but at this moment she heard a slight movement!
Nalan Yue's natural sensitivity and vigilance made her immediately aware of the danger, and she immediately walked towards a corner with her waist bent.

Although she could enter the space, she didn't want to expose her space bracelet unless it was absolutely necessary.

 Author's words

(End of this chapter)

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