Chapter 635 Become Master's Apprentice (10)

"Five Elements?" Nalan Yue murmured these words, her mind was in a daze, no wonder Master wanted to say that she was ignorant!
Ye Jin held her shoulders, looked straight at her, "Yue'er, do you have five elemental attributes?"

Nalan Yue replied subconsciously, "There are seven."

Speaking of this, Nalan Yue remembered that during her previous test, the master only wrote on the paper that she had only three elements, so Ye Jin and the others saw this.

Ye Jin was so astonished that his jaw almost dropped, but he looked at her helplessly with a hint of excitement, his bright phoenix eyes gleamed faintly, "You girl... the seven elements are really going against the sky!"

He thought that practitioners who could see the seal of the five elements had at most five elements!
Who knew that this girl actually has seven types, the average person who has two elements can be called a genius, so what is a person with seven elements?
What a genius!
Nalan Yue didn't think so much, she was only interested in the picture on the wall now, she thought it was just a picture but unexpectedly it was a kind of seal!
So what is the seal?

"What's in here!" Nalan Yue said while stroking the wall with her hands.

"Use the five elements in your body to hit it on it to unlock the seal on it..." Ye Jin reminded from the side.

Nalan Yue patted her head immediately, her eyes lit up, yes, she is the owner of the Five Elements, but what exactly are the Five Elements?

Nalan Yue felt worried again and looked at him suspiciously.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth together are called the five elements!" Ye Jin shook her head speechlessly, and patted her head, "Little idiot."

Nalan Yue glared at him, then walked towards the wall painting, just wishing that the aura in her body would undo the seal of the five elements...

"Tata—" Someone's voice!

Nalan Yue and Ye Jin immediately became vigilant, and the man immediately pulled her into the dark.

But I can't see that the library is really lively at night, Nalan Yue bit the tip of her tongue, but then she thought, could it be Xiao Ziyu?

Since she left, I haven't seen Xiao Ziyu again.

Nalan Yue whispered this conjecture to Ye Jin, who would have thought that the man's expression would change immediately.

Looking at her with a stinky face, as if she was catching her cheating wife, Nalan Yue stared at him until her scalp was numb, if she had known, she wouldn't have told him!

"Ye Jin? Ye male god?" Nalan Yue shook the man's arm flatteringly, but she was silent in response.

Ye Jin just stared at her silently.

Seeing his unbelievable look, Nalan Yue suddenly became angry, "The legs are on someone else's body, if he wants to come, what can I do... Okay, God please forgive me!"

Ye Jin sighed slightly, he was not blaming her, it's just that Xiao Ziyu was too thoughtful!

He was really worried that after he left, Xiao Ziyu would use all kinds of martial arts to pursue her.

It's not that it doesn't have confidence in him, nor in itself, but that the more it loves, the more afraid it becomes!
"Remember to stay away from him!" Ye Jin raised his hand and touched her head, the soft hair accompanied by a faint fragrance instantly made him feel much happier.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Nalan Yue playfully saluted.

"Miss Nalan, are you up there?" Perhaps their voices were a little louder, and Xiao Ziyu's probing voice came from below.

Nalan Yue waved Ye Jin innocently, it was really Xiao Ziyu!

(End of this chapter)

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