Chapter 637 Library Disturbance (1)

Ye Jin snorted twice and ignored her, and he was already lying on the only big bed in the room, hooking his fingers at her, "Come on, let's study together!"

As he spoke, he raised a light gray book in his hand, and Nalan Yue took a closer look, only to realize that it was a...a...

Ahem, it's a book about two villains fighting!Everyone understands!

(Reader: Uh huh, we don't understand!)

Well, it’s h, something called Chun~gongtu in ancient times!
"Not yet." Ye Jin's eyebrows twitched, "Let my master teach you the posture!"

Posture = Knowledge!

Nalan Yue: "...".

——The cute dividing line——

On the second day, Nalan Yue returned all the books he brought back before dawn.

Of course, she has read all of them and put them in her head. As for digesting them, she has to take her time!

After tidying up with Bei Lier, they were ready to go to the classroom for class.

Classes at Qinglong College are very free, there are occasional classes, most of the time students are still allowed to study freely, as long as they can pass the final upgrade exam!
It just so happened that Nalan Yue and the others had an early class today, which was a class about elemental cultivation from Instructor Yun Lu.

As soon as she left the room, she bumped into Yin Yin. After what happened yesterday, Yin Yin no longer flattered them as before, but looked at them coldly.

Nalanyue and Bei Li'er didn't intend to say hello to her either, the three of them just looked at each other speechlessly.

"Let's go." It was Nalan Yue who broke the deadlock and walked towards the classroom together with Li Zi.

At the back, Yinyin stood where she was and saw the two of them disappearing, she gave a cold laugh.

In the class, Instructor Yunlu distributed the communication tool-locator to everyone, and told everyone some operation methods.

"Students, be sure to put away the locators. In the future, our contacts or tasks issued by the college will be indispensable..."

"Understood, Teacher Lulu!"

Everyone is obviously full of great affection for this beautiful and kind mentor.

"Come, come, add friends!" In the front row, Feng Chu cheerfully turned her head, and pulled Meng Luo and the others over by the way.

Nalan Yue glanced around at the locator in her hand and raised her brows. Compared with her locator, this one has an additional application - the official tribe of Qinglong Academy.

It was a platform similar to the Internet that Nalan Yue accidentally found in her locator before.

"Don't look, this locator is only used by the college, and you and Ye Jiu are private at all... add friends!" Feng Chu winked at the two of them, took her locator and scanned it lightly , The two are friends.

Soon, several people are all friends of each other!
Not only them, but other students are also busy making friends at this time. After all, it is good for students in a class to communicate more.

"It will be convenient for future contact!" Bei Li'er's eyes completed the crescent moon, and she smiled happily.

"Yes." Meng Luo took the words.

Nalan Yue and Ye Jin looked at each other, the man still said in a domineering tone, "The locator I gave you can only have me as a friend!"

"You too!" Nalan Yue also swears his sovereignty domineeringly!
Just as he was talking, Murong Xiaoman walked over with a smile, stopped in front of Nalan Yue, and took out the locator in his hand, "Yueyue, let's add a friend too!"

Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows, when did she become so familiar with this little girl!
(End of this chapter)

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