Chapter 640 Library Disturbance (4)

But Leng Xi'er is different. She entered Qinglong Academy desperately because of Ye Jin's sensational name back then, but who would have thought that he had already left the academy, and finally saw her male god again. Knowing that it already belongs to someone else!
Otherwise, with her arrogance, she would go back and take care of how many books a freshman borrowed?
Of course, she has no doubts about what Ye Jin said, and there is no doubt that's why she is so afraid, because he will do what he says!
"Senior Ye, don't..." Leng Xi'er's arrogance disappeared all of a sudden, and she immediately looked at the man in front of her with a ruthless and cold aura.

"Where did you come from, dare to threaten our sister Xi and seek death?"

"That's got out of the purple class when you told me to get out of the purple class?"

"It's so funny!"

Leng Xi'er's usual little followers couldn't help but sneered, completely ignoring the phrase "senior" in her mouth!
"Shut up!" Who would have thought that Ye Jin was still angry, but Leng Xi'er scolded them severely, then turned her head and begged Ye Jin pitifully, "Senior Ye, I'm sorry I know it was me just now. The reminder is too presumptuous, but I was also worried that this girl would be scolded by the instructor for borrowing so many books..."

Leng Xi'er abandoned her integrity and forced a smile.She would never allow herself to be kicked out of the purple class!

It was the first time that Nalan Yue knew that a person's face could change so quickly, and that nonsense tone almost made people unable to tell the truth of the matter.

"I don't know that you have such a special way of reminding me, and you still have your own sarcasm?" How could Nalan Yue let such a bitch get away with it, and immediately retorted with a half-smile.

Leng Xi'er's face froze, and she suddenly felt like she was slapping herself in the face, but only a fool would admit it in this situation, "Is there?"

"Of course Miss Xi doesn't..."

"Yes, sister Xi is clearly reminding this new student seriously!"

A typical mode of talking nonsense with real eyes and seconding!
Leng Xi'er raised the corners of her mouth where no one could see, and a sinister look flashed across her eyes.

Nalan Yue, what qualifications do you have to fight with me and rob me of men?

Murong Xiaoman immediately stood up to support Nalan Yue, and stared at Leng Xi'er haughtily and condescendingly, "Those who say no, do your eyes grow into your ass or the soles of your feet?! This girl will ask again, what are you doing?" Do you have!"

"Yes! She, Leng Xi'er, is simply laughing!"

"Yes, that's right!"

There are still people in this world who defy power and stand in front of the truth, especially the sisters of Murong Xiaoman, who instantly kill others with their voices!

"Murong Xiaoman!" Leng Xi'er gritted her teeth and spit out these words, every sound of grinding her teeth was filled with deep disgust.

"What are you calling auntie for!" Murong Xiaoman gave her a haughty look.

"Xiaoman, don't fuss with animals." Seeing Murong Xiaoman who really cared for her, Nalan Yue raised the corners of her lips and pulled her over.

Although she has just arrived at the academy, since that woman has the courage to be so arrogant, there must be some force behind her. She doesn't want Murong Xiaoman to be black handed because of helping her.

"Who are you talking about!" Leng Xi'er didn't seem to be overly annoyed by this, but instead had a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

Trick her in language?Has this girl's IQ fed the dog?
"Although the word beast was created for you, a bitch fits your image!"

(End of this chapter)

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