Chapter 646 Library Disturbance (10)

The situation froze, Li Tutor couldn't get off the stage, and finally only Leng Xi'er came out to break the deadlock, lightly comforted Li Tutor, then shot Nalan Yue coldly, "Let's bet."

This time she said concisely, so as not to cause any topic, the only thing she wants to do now is to humiliate Nalan Yue severely.

Nalan Yue didn't bother to argue verbally with her anymore, the two of them reached a short-term consensus.

The students around were the referees. After Nalan Yue and Leng Xi'er looked at each other coldly, the two girls started the competition to endorse!

"The 10-minute countdown starts now!" You Fengchu ordered, and the two picked up the books at the same time.

At a table, Nalan Yue and she were sitting in different directions, with a thick book as thick as a Xinhua dictionary spread out in front of them.

Compared to Leng Xi'er's apprehension, Nalan Yue appeared extremely calm.

Nalan Yue picked up the book placed on the table with her white and slender fingers, she glanced lightly at first, and then her hands started to move!
"Shu, shu, shu—" There was a violent flipping sound in the air.

Page after page, Nalan Yue was reading the book at a glance, and the speed of turning the pages of the book was simply dazzling everyone!

Everyone was so shocked that their jaws almost dropped!
Is this really reading a book instead of flipping through it casually?
On the opposite side, Leng Xi'er raised her lips sarcastically, then lowered her head and tried her best to endorse the book.

If things go on like this, she will win!She wouldn't believe that Nalan Yue's appearance was called an endorsement.

Nalan Yue seemed to have her own shielding function, ignoring all the eyes around her, and she could firmly remember the book in front of her the moment she saw the words.

One page...and another...

Finally, at the last moment of the hourglass, Nalan Yue closed the book with a "snap!" because she had finished reading it all!
At the same time, Leng Xi'er also closed the book with a confident smile on her face. In fact, she only wrote down a third of the book.

But compared to Nalan Yue's random book flipping, she can definitely beat her!
"It's time, who of you will memorize it first?" Feng Chu looked at the two meaningfully.

Leng Xi'er opened her mouth first, pretending to be generous, "Nalan Yue, go first."

Nalan Yue glanced at her lightly, and began to memorize without saying anything, "The most important thing for a cultivator is to cultivate the heart, and the second is..."

The book as thick as a Xinhua dictionary was almost imaged in Nalan Yue's mind, so she memorized it like a book.

There is no way for someone to have the Moon Refining Art in their hands, this Leng Xi'er actually competed with her in memory, she is so stupid!

And everyone present were astonished as she recited word by word clearly!
Flipping through the book as promised, how can I recite it so fluently!

Leng Xi'er secretly clenched her fists, her eyes were fixed on her face, not letting go of her expression.

I thought to myself, how could she recite, this is impossible, how is this possible!
Nalan Yue is still endorsing the book, and she speaks so fast that the people next to her can't keep up with her.

It can be seen how fast she is!

If things go on like this, Nalan Yue might really memorize the entire book!
Leng Xi'er was secretly anxious, a layer of sweat broke out on her anxious forehead, like ants on a hot pan.

Seeing that she had already recited one-third of the time, Leng Xi'er couldn't bear it anymore, after all, she could only recite one-third of it!
(End of this chapter)

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