Chapter 655 Three Elders (2)

In the past, everyone dared to watch the show because something happened and someone stood up for it, but now that the master has appeared, everyone is silent now.

After all, in the academy, if your mentor and elders give you small shoes... that's enough!
"No one will admit it!" The third elder frowned, his sharp eyes scanned the crowd, and finally stayed on Nalan Yue for a moment.

Oh, don't think that the third elder guessed that it was Nalan Yue, but he looked familiar at the girl, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't know who this person was!
But Leng Xi'er suddenly shouted, pointing at Nalan Yue's eyes full of joy, "That's her, the third elder is this woman who bullies the students!" With a backer, there is naturally a capital of embarrassment.

Upon hearing this, the third elder immediately changed his face, and glanced softly at Leng Xi'er, "You girl usually tell you to practice more and less to refine medicine, but you just don't believe it..."

But then he looked at Nalan Yue with unkind eyes, "Student who bullies me, are you trying to provoke me!"

"And you mentors, is it possible that you want to watch the old man's favorite student being bullied?" The third elder who was burning with anger not only blamed Nalan Yue, but also scolded everyone present.

Immediately, everyone was upset in their hearts, but they were all scared in front of this elder. You must know that the status of this third elder who refines medicine is just below that of Ye Wuzun.

It can be said that besides the dean and several elders, his position is the highest!

Others didn't dare to refute but that doesn't mean Nalan Yue didn't dare, she has lived for two lifetimes and has never been afraid of anyone, "The Third Elder who condemns people without asking indiscriminate crimes really has a good reputation!"

The sarcasm and sarcasm made the third elder even more furious for a moment, trembling with anger, "What a good girl, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth!"

What fell together with the voice was a strong and suffocating coercion, which was like being in a space with dozens of times the gravity.

Immediately, Nalan Yue's legs gave way and she almost fell to the ground. The powerful breath made her heart twitch.

The damn old man actually used coercion directly on her!
Thick blood slowly passed over the corners of his lips, and a strong bloody smell filled his mouth. In a few seconds, Nalan Yue was already sweating profusely, using her strong willpower to keep herself from falling down.


"Sister Yueyue..."

The friends couldn't help exclaiming.

"The old man dares to bully the master's woman!" Ye Jin's eyes were turbulent, the bright red corners of her lips drove him crazy, and he summoned his spiritual energy to hit the third elder, the power was no worse than his!
The surrounding area was suddenly turbulent, the books on the bookshelves fell down, and the papers rolled over. The third elder who was attacked immediately reacted, and had to withdraw the coercion that was exerted on Nalan Yue.

Dangerously receiving Ye Jin's palm, the third elder suddenly felt that he couldn't hold back his face, stabilized his figure, and looked at him fiercely.

When he saw his handsome face clearly, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Ye Jin, when did you come back!"

"Old man, you should die!" There is probably no other person who can challenge the elders like this in Qinglong Academy except Ye Jin!
He ignored the nonsense of the third elder, turned his face to look at the pale girl with distressed eyes, his heart suddenly seized up, and he wished he could tear the third elder to pieces right away.

Nalan Yue smiled at him, stuffed a few pills into his mouth, and his complexion improved a lot in a flash, but his eyes fell on the two people opposite him.

(End of this chapter)

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