Chapter 657 The Master Is Here (2)

His eyes are clear, his posture is comfortable and indifferent, walking at this time is like a full moon slowly rising from the blue sea.

The whole world seems to be eclipsed because of him!

"Stop!" The two words are full of endless power.

Immediately, a gust of cool wind blew by, instantly separating the two people who were fighting together. Compared to Ye Jin's graceful landing, the third elder over there looked a little embarrassed.

"Are you injured?" Nalan Yue quietly ran over to ask the man how he was.

"Don't underestimate your man!" The man rewarded her with a shudder, and then raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Wuzun.

This old man has really good ears!

Ye Wuzun looked at the two people who were fighting just now, his eyes were indifferent, and his voice was like dust, "Is it your style for the third elder to bully the junior?"

There was no blame, no insult, just a simple question, but it shocked the third elder's heart.

He also didn't care about his messy image, and immediately raised his hand to respect Ye Wuzun, but there was a deep dissatisfaction in his eyes, "Your Majesty doesn't know something, it was that kid Ye Jin who made the first move." Move your hands!"


Is old man who is nearly fifty years old is suing the younger generation?
Everyone couldn't help but a burst of black lines!
The Third Elder who had just blurted out his words originally intended to defend himself, but whoever thought the meaning of the words was wrong, and quickly changed his words in front of Ye Wuzun, "Ahem... it was actually that kid Ye Jin who was sparring with the old man!"

Learn martial arts in the library?

Ye Wuzun, who has always been calm, couldn't help but "chug" his brows twice, with obvious disbelief on his face, after all, no one is a fool.

He raised his hand to gesture to Nalan Yue who was not far away, "Tell me what happened just now."

Nalan Yue, who was named by her master, was overjoyed from the bottom of her heart, a little bit excited, just about to move her lips to speak, but unexpectedly, Leng Xi'er quickly robbed her of the words.

"It was Nalan Yue who bullied the students. The students couldn't bear it so they asked the Third Elder for help. That's why they fought with Master Ye. It's all the students' fault. Please don't blame her!"

What a scheming bitch!

The villain is the first to file a complaint!

Of course, Leng Xi'er, a girl known as a "little genius in refining medicine", even with the guidance of the three elders, the master she most wants to worship in her heart is Ye Wuzun!
So at this moment, of course, I will do my best to leave a good impression in front of him!
Nalan Yue laughed back angrily, and looked at Yoyo with her arms crossed, pretending to be compared, what she meant was to blame her for all the mistakes, and then go and be a good person by herself!

In the end, it made her look like Nalan Yue was crazy!
Blacking her in front of Master is the last thing she can bear!
"Leng Xi'er, this girl didn't even know who you were before, so why did I bully you! Evidence!" Why does a murderer need hard evidence to kill someone, because she just wants to get himself down with just a few words?

Then Leng Xi'er underestimated her too much!
Facing Nalan Yue's questioning like firecrackers, Leng Xi'er broke out in a cold sweat, and forced herself to calm down, "Because"

Leng Xi'er stuttered a little at the speed of her speech, and she didn't come up with a reason after talking for a long time.

On the opposite side, Nalan Yue smiled coldly, she wanted to see what reason this guy could come up with.

"Yes, you're just jealous that I'm smarter than you!" Leng Xi'er was quick to wit.


Everyone present complained!

Nalan Yue almost burst out laughing, jealous that she was smarter than him?

"Excuse me, where did you get your confidence!" How can you be talking nonsense!

(End of this chapter)

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