Chapter 662 Murong Qinger Comes to Her Door (1)

At this time, Murong Xuan didn't know what happened, but he saw through their hearts at a glance, resisted the tumbling in his heart, and said, "We found those two people in the Devil's Forest!"

"What!" The younger brothers exclaimed in surprise.

"who is it……"

"You must tell Sister Qing'er!"

"It's the stunning man and woman who grew up in the library just now!" Murong Xuan said again.

"Damn, think about it carefully, but they look familiar!"

"Don't look at me. At that time, I was only focused on watching a good show, and I didn't see the faces of those two at all!"

"Are they called Ye Jin and Nalan Yue..."

"That's right, they are!"

It was definitely them, Murong Xuan quickly used the newly issued locator to send a message to his sister Murong Xuan Qing'er.

Seeing the "sent successfully" displayed above, Murong Xuan raised his lips, his sister must have a way to subdue these two people!
Those who dare to cheat the Murong family will have to pay the price!



Following Leng Xi'er's defeat, Nalan Yue won a complete victory this time, and at the same time established a majesty in front of everyone.

Nodding respectfully towards Ye Wuzun, Nalan Yue and Ye Jin put the hundreds of books on the table in the space. As for Li Tutor, she dared not say a word at this time.

Before leaving, Nalan Yue turned her head slightly, looked at the "Five Elements Seal Map" she had seen the night before, bit her lip, feeling really bad that she couldn't take it away even though it was a treasure!

Forget it, let's sneak in again at night!
After leaving the library, Nalanyue and the two walked towards the villa area. At this time, Nalanyue looked at the man next to him curiously, and asked, "Show me the evidence!"

Why didn't she find out when this man recorded the evidence!
Ye Jin's red lips curled up, and a mysterious smile appeared on her handsome face.

As soon as she caught his bewildering smile, Nalan Yue's eyelids twitched, and a bad premonition rose in her heart, and she shook his arm anxiously, "Hurry up!"

Don't be what she thinks!

She will really find a piece of tofu and bump into it!

"Didn't you already guess it?" Ye Jin didn't answer him directly, but acquiesced to her words from the side.

It's true that he didn't record any video at all, let alone evidence. After all, no one can predict the future!

Nalan Yue was suddenly stunned!
She should have thought of it a long time ago, who would have nothing to record the betting, thanks to her being so confident before!
"You're not afraid of being exposed!" Nalan Yue couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"You man never do things you are not sure of!" The man proudly raised his chin, and the golden light dazzled him.

Nalan Yue: "..." That's too stinky!
As soon as the two of them arrived at the villa, Ye Jin was summoned away by the locator again. After all, he must have a lot of preparations to do when he is about to leave!
Nalanyue was indulgent but also understood that the overall situation should be the top priority. She walked into the dormitory alone, closed the door and began to recite the book.

The pile of books that originally piled up like a hill gradually decreased in the middle of the afternoon. They said they were endorsements, but Nalan Yue was actually "scrubbing" flipping through the books.

The sun sinks slowly from the high front, and the sunset glow all over the sky has a special flavor.

On the other side, as soon as Murong Qing'er received the news from her younger brother, she immediately put down what she was doing and joined him to find Nalan Yue and Ye Jin!
(End of this chapter)

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