Chapter 669 Murong Qinger Comes to Her Door (8)

"Or do you mean that you had a personal enmity before?"

"Or maybe you want to meddle in other people's feelings, that's why..." This is definitely a black fan!
Everyone was chattering like journalists frantically trying to get out information.

Murong Qing'er looked at the crowd swarming up, and couldn't help sighing, my sister is a fucking celebrity!
It seems that it is really time to find two bodyguards...

Otherwise, one day I will be drowned by saliva... trampled to death by shoes... suffocated and so on, and a series of dangerous accidents!
Murong Xuan next to her saw that so many people wanted to know, and immediately raised his eyebrows triumphantly, "Come on, please, my young master, I will tell you, this young master has some first-hand information..."

There is no such thing as the stupidest, only stupider ones!

Murong Qing'er deeply comprehended this truth, with a dark face, she stepped forward angrily and grabbed his ear and pulled him away, "If Murong Xuan miss, just say so!"

"Sister, sister, take it easy, ouch, it hurts so much... Sister! Are you my real sister?" He didn't even think about telling the truth about how he was cheated, the Lun family just wanted to show off Enjoy the feeling of being admired by thousands of people!
"If I wasn't for your own sister, I would have died a long time ago!"

What a cute pair of siblings!
Feng Chu: Violent woman, whoever marries is unlucky!



As the boss of the second grade, Murong Qing'er wanted to leave, so others naturally didn't dare to stop her.

So those who followed looked around for a while, then locked on Nalan Yue's body, their eyes shining.

If they were holding microphones at this time, Nalan Yue would definitely think that this was a press conference!
"This freshman, how did you provoke our boss?"

"Yeah, yeah... our boss can't beat you for no reason!"

"Little sister, let me tell you, if you offend our boss Qing'er, you will be too hungry to walk around, so hurry up and tell us the truth!"

"Ha... Maybe our boss Qing'er's fan club will let you go!"

It's a pity that Nalan Yue is not a soft persimmon that can be squeezed by others, she coldly looked back at these gossip people, "No comment!"

Not to mention that she has promised Murong Qing'er to keep it a secret, even she herself doesn't want to expose this matter, after all... ahem, it's her own deception, it's my fault!

Everyone is silent, such a cool freshman!
"Get out!" Ye Jin glanced at the crowd gathered in the yard with an unkind expression. Is it true that her princess is a monkey!

If Nalan Yue knew that Ye Jin compared her to a monkey, he would definitely beat him to death!

Under his cold eyes that seemed to be filled with ice slag, everyone took a few steps back weakly.

Immediately after—


The door of the villa was closed.

The students outside suddenly sighed again, the new students are rampant!

Ye Jin looked arrogant, he didn't want his concubine to be entangled by these male creatures, so he simply closed the door of the villa and threw all of them outside.

Nalan Yue glanced at him, the corners of her lips turned up, what a smell of vinegar!
"Yueyue, are you sure?" Feng Chu frowned, referring to the competition between her and Murong Qing'er.

It's not that he looks down on Nalan Yue, on the contrary, Nalan Yue has always been a miraculous existence in his opinion, but after all, his age is there!
Meng Luo took the words, "Yueyue, you're too hasty this time." Because, no matter whether she wins or loses in the end, she and Murong Qing'er borrowed Liang Zi, will her life in the academy be easier then? ...

(End of this chapter)

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