Chapter 675 Mr. Dean (2)

How did Nanfeng know the little Jiujiu in his heart, he only thought he was asking about business, and now he put away his foolishness, "What else can I do, to be admired by the world after doing all kinds of bad things."

Speaking of this, Nanfeng couldn't help but sneered. The territory has a history of tens of thousands of years. It has been known as a holy place for practicing medicine, saving people and refining medicine for a living.

But actually...

It's also fortunate that he didn't know about this evil thing by accident when he was a child of the night many years ago!
"What about the saint?" Ye Wuchang narrowed his eyes for a moment, obviously not listening carefully to what he just said.

Ye Wu's words caused Nanfeng to shut his mouth in astonishment until he received the warning gaze and he didn't come back to his senses, "It seems that he was punished by Yu."

"But why are you so interested in women now!" Nan Feng added without fear of death, this is not the style of his old friend who wants nothing!
"Don't worry about your business!" Ye Wu turned around indifferently, upset that others could see through his inner thoughts.

Nan Feng shook his head, he looked like an affectionate man... Ye Jin, it's not that Master doesn't help you, Master is just a theatergoer!
Well, theatergoers!
And I am very much looking forward to the scene where two men compete for one woman!



Nalan Yue and Ye Jin sneaked into the villa quietly. In the quiet and beautiful night, Ye Jin couldn't help but love her a lot.

Gradually, the two fell in love, and seemed to have forgotten the existence of Jin Guang, but Jin Guang would never forget their existence!
Whoosh—the golden light is like a sharp sword!
Ye Jin broke it angrily, and glared at the girl in her arms angrily.

The perfect chin rested on her shoulder, gnashing her teeth and cursed, "Damn it!" Is the damn Jin Guang really going to die!

"It will be resolved one day!" Nalan Yue couldn't help but blushed, but after thinking about it for a while, she said in a voice as small as a mosquito, "But... how will this be resolved!"

They discussed this issue in the classroom last time, but she was too embarrassed to ask what to do because there were so many people.

"Ye Wuzun." Ye Wuzun's superb medical skills, if even he can't do anything about it... Ye Jin sighed softly, and raised his hand to stroke her soft hair.

"..." Is this encouraging her or putting pressure on her!

What if she didn't...

Nalan Yue couldn't help but swallowed her saliva, staring at her male god with clear eyes, hesitated a few times before saying, "If not..."

The male god frowned, "If you can't do it, you're screwed!" Uh huh, he will really think about it!

Nalan Yue shrank her shoulders, and decided to stay away from this man full of evil spirits!

However, as soon as his shoulders moved, a man's strong voice came from above his head, which was irresistible!

The clear and clean mint fragrance on the man made Nalan Yue, who had been exhausted all night, feel a sense of security. Her upper and lower eyelids couldn't help but fight, and she slowly fell asleep.

"Good night, Xiaoyue'er." Ye Jin warmly lowered his eyebrows and kissed her on the forehead, as if treating her like a peerless treasure.

"Don't make trouble..." The moist feeling on the forehead made Nalan Yue mutter in a deep sleep.

Looking at the girl's beautiful sleeping face, Ye Jin didn't feel sleepy at all, but instead stared at her closely, as if wanting to remember everything about her in his heart.

If he could, he really wanted to abandon the world and walk the world with her!
But...she won't agree, and he doesn't want her to bear the title of beauty and disaster!
The night passed, and when Nalan Yue woke up, Ye Jin was no longer by his side, only the residual heat from the pillow proved that there were traces of his existence.

Seeing the locator placed on the bedside, Nalan Yue withdrew her hands touching the pillow, and clicked on the screen to open—"The college has secrets, I may not be with you these days, Yue'er, my Yue'er, I Love you."

(End of this chapter)

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