Chapter 679
"Sister Yueyue, let's go!" Lizi took two steps to grab Nalanyue's arm, then turned around and made a grimace, "You can fight as long as you want, as long as the third leg is fine anyway."

Although she still doesn't know what the third leg means, but since sister Yueyue said it, she must be right!

The two men left behind were messed up in a gust of wind, can you stop mentioning the third leg!

"Do you still fight?" Feng Chu asked.


"That's right, I don't want to lose my third leg before being a virgin!"


"Yueyue, Lizi wait for us!" The two men stopped hitting and immediately caught up with the two girls who were walking side by side.

Seeing this, Lizi couldn't help giving her a thumbs up, "Sister Yueyue is still smart!" Otherwise, if they were there, the two men might fight for face.

But ignoring that is different!

"But what is a man's third leg!" The little girl was still struggling.

So, Nalan Yue looked up at the sky and remained silent.

Arriving in the class, the children's shoes all around looked at Nalanyue pointingly. Obviously, in this academy that lacks gossip, Nalanyue undoubtedly injected new blood into everyone.

First of all, Murong Qing'er gave the gauntlet and agreed to compete in three days.

The second is to fight with roommates!
These two incidents are inexplicably frustrating, everyone looks like they are watching the show, but there are also people who look down on and disdain them!

Nalan Yue didn't care about everyone's comments on her. When her eyes fell on the empty place beside her, Ye Jin didn't come to class, and she couldn't help but feel depressed.

This was the first time she attended class alone, so she was listless throughout the day.

After class, Teacher Yunlu called her out alone.

"Student Nalan, are you okay?" Instructor Yunlu smiled softly, her tone was as soft as a willow branch sweeping across the lake.

Without a bit of airs, she is like an amiable sister next door!

"I am fine."

Instructor Yunlu sighed slightly, only a strong person would decisively say that she is fine, she looked directly at her, "Student Nalan, I heard that Murong Qing'er has made a challenge to you."

"Yes." Nalan Yue nodded, looking at the mentor's face, wanting to see her reaction.

After all, Nalan Yue should be too proud in everyone's eyes!

Instructor Yunlu still smiled gently, and there was a trace of trust in his watery eyes, "The instructor is optimistic about you, and I believe Junior Ye is also optimistic about you! By the way, you should suspend classes for a few days and practice in seclusion. Then the instructor will make up for you. "

Nalanyue raised her eyebrows in surprise, then nodded at her, "Thank you, Teacher Yunlu." He felt a little more favorable towards her understanding.

"It's okay, I'll be busy then."


Nalan Yue looked at her leaving back, and also slowly turned around. The trust of her mentor undoubtedly increased her confidence.

What's more, Teacher Yunlu's way of comforting and encouraging her was very special. She didn't mention Ye Jin's leaving, which meant she didn't add salt to her heart, but changed the topic instead.

Teacher Yunlu is also a woman with a delicate heart, but why did such a woman leave the Yun family?
Nalan Yue was just curious and didn't get to the bottom of it. After all, everyone has secrets.

Turning around, she went straight into the classroom and tidied up slightly, said hello to Feng Chu and the others, and then prepared to go back to the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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