Chapter 692 Keeping My Secret 2
Three black lines were drawn across Nalan Yue's forehead, who the hell knew who your sister was before!

"I've told you so much, I definitely don't want to settle down with you!" Dude, did you ask him if you wanted to settle down with him?

"The reason why I said so much is to tell you..." Murong Xuan took a deep breath, and once again stretched his face sadly, "Don't complain to my sister, otherwise I will definitely lose my ass!"

Thinking of how arrogant he was in the devil's forest that day, if it reaches my sister's ears... just thinking about Murong Xuan's little heart can't help but "thump"!
So please, beg, even beg, not let Nalan Yue tell this matter!

"So, are you begging me?" Nalan Yue kept both hands together, looking at him with a half-smile.

Murong Xuan's little thought was broken, he immediately felt a little embarrassed, he hummed twice, "I beg you, look with your eyes..." I saw it!

"Stop!" Nalan Yue raised her hand to stop him, "If you didn't ask me, then why should I help you keep things secret, goodbye!"

After waving her hand, Nalan Yue pulled Ye Jin and started walking towards the classroom.

"Don't—don't!" Murong Xuan immediately chased up from behind and stopped them with his arms outstretched.

"Okay, okay, I beg you, please don't complain to my sister!"

"But you seem to have sued Qing'er a lot about me!" Don't think that she doesn't know how this kid slandered her behind her back and cheated her so much!
"How is this possible!" Murong Xuan forced a smile and immediately retorted.I was secretly distressed, is this really my sister? Why do you tell this woman everything!

Especially with the smug look on this woman's face now!

Nalan Yue was also shot while lying down, but her expression of a smile was distorted into a complacent one!

"Okay, keep it secret for you. But you have to tell me one thing!" Nalanyue stopped teasing her, after all, he is Qing'er's own younger brother, if someone else knows how to play with him!
Murong Xuan's ashes-like heart suddenly rekindled, and seeing her let go, his face was filled with joy, "Don't say it's just one thing, it's ten things...a hundred things..."

"What does Qing'er want a highly poisonous bee venom needle for?" Nalan Yue couldn't bear to listen to his babbling, and pointed her chin directly at him.

Murong Xuan saw that she was asking such a simple question, so he told her directly, "It's not like there will be a medicine refining competition in more than ten days. My sister wants to use a poisonous bee venom needle to refine medicine and become Master Ye Wu's apprentice." !"

Nalan Yue was stunned, why didn't she remember that Qing'er was interested in refining medicine, thinking that Qing'er would never touch medicinal herbs when he was killed.

Because she hates the smell of herbs, which often make her feel sick...

So now why is this!

Could it be that the allergies to medicinal herbs disappeared because of traveling to a new body?

"Sister Nalan, let me tell you, my sister makes medicine very hard and is very serious, and she is allergic to the smell of herbs, but she continues to make medicine! She always says that she is for one person... Hey, anyway, Nalan Sister, you have so many highly poisonous bees, so give some to my sister, okay!" Murong Xuan began to talk, and even his sister called her.

Qing'er refining medicine for one person?

Is it for her?
Because she didn't want Ye Wuzun to be snatched away by others, she would rather endure the discomfort brought by the smell of herbs, and persist!
 The author said: Thank you for the rewards~ I have seen it, but your names are too cool so I won’t hit them one by one.Thank you for your votes and rewards...

(End of this chapter)

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