Chapter 694 Joking with the Third Elder

The third elder immediately blew his beard and stared, "I will avenge my personal revenge, classmate, your mind is too dark!"

"It's far worse than the third elder!" Nalan Yue said playfully. This third elder was obviously targeting her, and he just said "I'm for the country and I'm for your own good"!


The third elder was so angry that he pointed at her, "Nalanyue, don't you want to go up, if you don't want to go up, get out immediately!"

"Ah, Third Elder, how do you know that this girl doesn't want to take your class?" Nalan Yue sighed leisurely, the corners of her eyes and brows were full of playful cunning, "Could it be that the Third Elder is a roundworm in this girl's stomach?"

"You..." If it comes to harming others, the third elder is willing to bow down, "What a girl with sharp teeth and no shame!"

"What an old man who avenges his personal hatred and does not distinguish between good and evil!" Nalan Yue retorted defiantly and defiantly.

The third elder was frustrated, and stood there trembling with anger, his eyeballs wished he could eat her.

Under such gaze, Nalan Yue strode away from him and walked straight out of the place. Before leaving, she did not forget to remind him, "Third Elder, the students don't know that you teach students with books backwards!"

After finishing speaking, he blatantly skipped class.

And the rest of the students gave her such a reminder, immediately reacted, and then looked at the book in the hand of the third elder——

Sure enough, it was really held backwards!

There was a burst of exclamation among the students, and the third elder was suddenly extremely embarrassed, and he couldn't care about Nalan Yue's skipping class, and quickly straightened the book.

Because she wanted to catch Nalan Yue's mistakes before, so she didn't even notice that she even took the textbooks upside down.

Now, on the contrary, that bitch has caught the handle.

After Nalanyue left like this, Ye Jin couldn't stay still. What kind of classroom is a nonsense classroom without his beloved?
Well, once Ye Jin left, Meng Luofengchu and Lizi would definitely follow, and of course Xiao Ziyu, his purpose of coming out was purely for Nalan Yue, to provoke the Third Elder.

"Hey, hey... It's class, what are you doing!" Seeing such students, all of whom are top students, want to leave the classroom, the third elder couldn't help raising his voice.

Feng Chu picked out his ears, "Old man, your voice is so loud that my ears are numb."

"Yueyue is not in the classroom, what are we still doing here?"

"What you're talking about is rubbish!" Ye Jin frowned, commenting on him unabashedly.

After all, think about it, what good things can a mentor who can even knock down a book say!

Obviously, his mind is not on the book at all!

Facing such a group of dude students, the third elder expressed his heart tired and watched them leave.

"Ye Jin, Elder Ben will definitely report to the principal what happened today!"


The third elder almost gritted his silver teeth in an old grit, then silently picked up the book, wanting to finish the following class.

"Third Elder, don't take the book again this time."

Such a bold classmate is of course Feng Chu, who is lying on the window sill, his amorous peach eyes narrowed like a smile but not a smile.

This sentence really spoke out the voice of everyone!

Over there, the Third Elder is not only suffering from liver pain, but almost all the organs in his body are dying of pain, "You... you brats will not be able to run away at that time!"

(End of this chapter)

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