Chapter 699 Telling about Time Traveling 5
"You guys are enough!" Seeing that they not only did not restrain themselves but continued to gloat, Nalan Yue couldn't help but feel a little angry, "Feng Chu, don't laugh, don't forget that you are still single now, but the sisters Jin Guang But it can be removed!"

With just such a sentence, Feng Chu was instantly petrified, and his heart was broken into dregs!

Why do you always have to keep reminding him of the fact that he is still single!

Very sad and heavy, you know!

Seeing the listless Feng Chu, the man Ye Jin almost laughed from ear to ear, and put his arm around Nalan Yue's neck, "It's better to be a wife, stay alone!"

Having regained the lost face, Ye Jin was in a particularly good mood, and directly led her little girl back to the villa.

With such a good time, Meng Luo naturally wanted to be alone with Bei Li'er, so now only Feng Chu and Murong Qing'er are left alone.

"No, wipe it off."

An arm wearing a red gauze skirt suddenly stretched out, and it was accompanied by a tissue.

"Hmph, sooner or later, my young master will get rid of the title of single dog!" Feng Chu pulled the tissue and smashed it viciously.

"Ha... Did you change from a single dog to an old dog?" Murong Qing'er continued to display her funny nature.

Feng Chu is really not in the mood to quarrel with her anymore, and stared at her fiercely, "Murong Qing'er, do you have any sympathy, you are already so sad without seeing this young master!"

"When you're sad, there's nothing to comfort you!" Murong Qing'er stood up, and was about to stride after the boss and the others, but she didn't forget to wink at him, "To deal with a sad person, you should hit him hard and let him Understand that the situation I am in is not the worst!"

After finishing speaking, the heroic girl passed by his side like a gust of wind, and the faint lingering fragrance made Feng Chu's heart beat a few times faster.

He sat up from the lawn, and smiled silly, "Actually... this woman is quite kind when she is not dirty!"

That's right, because he found out that his mood is really much better, and comfort is more effective than blow!


Until everyone left, no one noticed Xiao Ziyu who was silently watching them not far away.

He couldn't hide the bitterness in his eyes, he worked every step of the way for her, and when he came to Qinglong College, he thought that if he couldn't be a lover, he could be a friend...

But the facts proved that no matter how close he was to her, at most they were classmates, and most of them were strangers!
Because she never had him in her eyes!


Even after enrolling for so long, his existence is like air to her!
in the villa.

Nalan Yue was sitting by the bed, while Ye Jin was standing in front of her. Her slender body was like a hill, her face was handsome but she still loved the girl.


"Huh?" The man's ending sound was too enchanting, and Nalan Yue couldn't help but be attracted. In fact, she was organizing words in her heart to tell her what she had traveled from modern times.

"You and Murong Qing'er have known each other for a long time?" The tone of the question was affirmative.

"Yes, and the relationship is very good." Nalan Yue nodded, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly with her clear eyes, and she was about to tell the truth when Murong Qing'er's voice broke in.

"Of course my relationship with the boss is good, so good that if I were a man, I would definitely marry her immediately!" Well, in fact, she originally wanted to say the word "up", but seeing Ye Jin's disgusting People's lips and faces, swallowed decisively.

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(End of this chapter)

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