Chapter 702 Telling about Time Traveling 8
"As long as Yue'er said it, I won't doubt it." Ye Jin saw Xiao Nizi showing such a serious and serious expression for the first time, but she was already prepared in her heart.

Looking at his firm eyes, Nalan Yue finally decided to tell the truth, "Actually, I am not from this continent... My original country is a place called China, and I died in an accident in that world Lose."

Having said that, Nalan Yue paused and continued.

"But when I woke up, I came to this continent—Luoyue Continent, it should be considered a rebirth! Then, as you can see, I was lying on the ground and was seriously injured but accidentally cheated. In fact, that At that time, the owner of this body is no longer Nalan Yue, but... me!" A queen of the secret service world from the land of China!
Briefly telling what happened, Nalan Yue bit her lower lip, her eyes were as clear as waves, and she tightly held onto his face, not letting go of any change in his expression.

Ye Jin's long eyes were lowered, her thin lips were pursed into a straight line, the lines were clean and straight as if drawn with a small ruler.

Seeing his reaction, Nalan Yue's already clenched hands tightened even more, and the bottom of her heart seemed to suddenly become empty.

He...doesn't believe it?

Or... feel like a monster?

Fear is magnified little by little in the frozen atmosphere, magnifying, magnifying!

A faint sense of loss flashed across Nalan Yue's eyes, or she couldn't describe it clearly, and she took a few steps back in a daze.


It's just that before she had time to back away, Ye Jin quickly stopped her slender waist, spun around, and finally he hugged her into his arms.

"Tell me, will you suddenly leave one day!" Since you can wear it, you may also walk away!
The man suddenly grabbed her wrist with a lot of strength, leaving streaks of blue and purple on her wrist.

"Tell me if you will!" The man asked again persistently.

This is something he absolutely cannot bear!

The excruciating pain on the wrist instantly spread to the bottom of Nalan Yue's heart.

But she smiled... Because this kind of pain can clearly tell herself that Ye Jin cares about herself, and he is just worried that she will disappear, right?
It must be so!

"Fool!" Nalan Yue couldn't help sucking the sore tip of her nose, and buried her head in his neck, "If you can really leave, you should have left long ago!"

There is such a saying about time travel, it is easy to travel, if you want to go back and dream!
"I don't care, no matter where you go, in which world you are, I will find you back!" The man said persistently, put down his clenched wrists, and hugged her with his long arms like a baby, looking gentle Strong again!
"Okay." Nalan Yue stood on tiptoe, and gently rubbed his clean side face against his delicate skin.

Ye Jin was like a child who got candy, with a childish smile all over her face.

The way he smiles can kill a cow!

Nalanyue couldn't help but raised her hand and pinched his flawless skin, hehe, this is also revenge for the fact that his wrist was purple just now!

As soon as Ye Jin lowered her head, what she saw was her bruised wrist, and her big hand grabbed her fidgeting little hand, "Does it hurt?"

The man's long narrow eyes were filled with distress.

Nalan Yue smiled like a summer flower, "It hurts, of course it hurts!" Isn't this nonsense, but why does it still feel sweet!

"I'm sorry Yue'er." Ye Jin moved her lips and hugged her again.

(End of this chapter)

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