Chapter 760 Fusion 1
I hope I can resist it, even if I can't, it doesn't matter, Nalan Yue is already holding the token that Mo Lin gave them.

As long as danger comes, she will immediately take everyone out of here.

Several people couldn't help closing their eyes, waiting for the result to come.

But after waiting for a few seconds, I didn't hear any sound. What about the expected explosion sound, even if there was no explosion sound, what about the impact sound?
Why can't we install noise reduction equipment...

Several people opened their eyes at the same time, only to see a translucent old man standing in front of his eyes, with long beards dragging under his feet, he could almost be used as a broom.

Who is he?
Everyone was suddenly stunned!
But Nalan Yue's clear eyes widened, this!Isn't this the nameless old man!
Although he was translucent at this time, his complexion was much rosier than before. Obviously, her phoenix bracelet gave him enough aura to mend his soul!

Nalan Yue took a closer look, only to realize that he was gathering fire elements at this time, and the overwhelming fire rushed towards the huge vine, and was swallowed by the fire in three or two blows.

Not even scum is left!


He suddenly appeared at this time, why is this!Hasn't he been in the little castle in the illusion all the time?

"Why did you come out, unknown old man?" Nalan Yue, who was completely puzzled, asked the doubts in her heart.

At this time, the nameless old man who had wiped out the huge vine had already taken back all the fire elements in his hand. Hearing her voice, he turned his head and glanced at her, "The person he is looking for is me."

No wonder that crazy old man kept begging her for someone, it turned out to be like this!

"Then you know each other?" Nalan Yue understood, but she became more and more confused. Could this crazy old man be related to the unknown old man?

"You finally came out!" Before the unknown old man could answer her question, the crazy old man interjected, gritting his teeth and clenching his fingers tightly into his palm. If you look carefully, you can see that his Adam's apple rolled because of fear, but his face But he looked fearless.

The nameless old man floated in mid-air, glanced at the crazy old man indifferently, and continued to answer Nalan Yue's question just now, "Do you still remember the favor I asked you to do?"

"Help you find your soul?" Nalan Yue blurted out, then glanced at the crazy old man again, "Could it be him?"

Nalan Yue pointed suspiciously at the crazy old man opposite.

You see, they're all translucent, and they're all seniors, so... it's definitely possible!

The nameless old man stared at her closely, as if he could see through her thoughts, "He is indeed my soul, but unfortunately...with him, there is still a part missing."

"How many souls do you have!" Nalan Yue couldn't help but feel ashamed, ordinary people have one, but he even managed to get three!
"No." The nameless old man sighed faintly, "It's just missing a part. My soul has three elemental attributes, water, fire, and wood. He is a wood element, while I am a fire element, and the last one is a water element! There are only three elements. Together they can be a complete soul."

Nalan Yue nodded, so that's the case, no wonder the crazy old man's wood element is so powerful, and the unknown old man's fire element is even better.

"Then what should I do next?" Now that the wood-type soul has been found first, shouldn't it be fused immediately?

"Fusion!" The nameless old man didn't have the look of an old urchin on his face, and his white eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was about to fight a tough battle.

(End of this chapter)

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