Chapter 768 Leaving 1
Destroyed the tribe's medicine garden!

He... is a sinner!

But he didn't regret letting Nalan Yue and the others enter the forbidden area, whether it was because of his relationship with Nanfeng or because she saved his and Mosang's children.

The collapse of the forbidden area caused almost all the deer of the Ice and Snow Deer Clan to come out and stop at the forbidden area one after another, watching it collapse bit by bit, everyone felt extremely heartbroken.

Seeing this scene, Nalan Yue fell silent, and just about to return the medicine garden to them, Murong Qing'er exclaimed, "Boss, the nameless old man has come out!"

What Nalan Yue was about to say immediately disappeared, and she looked towards the golden pagoda in her hand, seeing a faint shadow floating out, she immediately ran over.

At this time, the nameless old man had come out completely, his gray beard was dragging on the ground, his face was plump and rosy, and it seemed that the fusion was successful.

Nalan Yue raised the corners of her mouth slightly and looked at him carefully. The originally transparent body of the unknown old man became slightly solid.


Nalan Yue raised her hand to touch it, but unfortunately... her hand still went through.

"Pfft, it's still the same as before!" Nalan Yue twitched her mouth and couldn't help complaining.She couldn't see anything else except that his soul seemed to be solid!
The nameless old man shook his head happily, "I despise you, I can come out at any time after fusion."


What are you doing out here, for a walk?

"Okay, that old lunatic fused too much of my strength, now I'm going to rest, you'd better go and solve the trouble!" The unknown old man smiled narrowly, and floated into her space after speaking.

"Huh?" Nalan Yue didn't understand what he meant, but when she turned around, she found that Mo Lin was surrounded by a group of ice and snow deer.

Several of them turned into human beings, all of them were elderly, with white beards and brows, and they seemed to be accusing Mo Lin of anger.

"What happened over there?" Murong Qing'er dragged her chin, she and Nalan Yue were focusing on the unknown old man just now, so they didn't notice anything abnormal over there.

"Mo Lin was besieged by the tribe." Xiao Ziyu saw it most clearly, and sighed slightly, "Because their medicine garden was destroyed."

It's only natural for the clansmen to make trouble when such a thing happens, but Mo Lin's fault is also his own. After all, each of them is responsible.

Nalan Yue sighed softly, and secretly despised the unknown old man, but it was not because of him, he was asleep now, and directly threw the trouble to her.

Shaking her head speechlessly, Nalan Yue walked towards Mo Lin. Seeing this, Qing'er and the others followed.

At this time, those old men who had turned into human nature pointed at his nose angrily and cursed——

"Boy Mo Lin, as the patriarch of your clan, you not only let humans enter the forbidden area privately, but also caused it to collapse, destroying the centuries-old medicine garden of our Ice and Snow Deer clan. Tell me, how will you bear this responsibility!"

"That's right, it's really abominable that the patriarch of a clan actually ruined the atmosphere!"

"Our Ice and Snow Clan doesn't need such a patriarch, everyone agrees!"

"Yes! That's right! He is not worthy to be our patriarch!"

"Such patriarch must be punished!"

"Punishment... punishment..."

Faced with so many ugly faces, Mo Lin's face was stiff, his lips were pursed dryly, and the stubborn lip line made him look extremely indifferent at the moment, but guilt rolled in his eyes.

It can be seen that his heart is not as peaceful as his appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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