Chapter 808 Ziyou's Affection 6
After a while, Lan Xin'er had something extra in her hand, dangling in front of her, the corners of her eyes curled up in a half-smile, "You should know these things, right?"

Nalan Yue looked in the direction of her hand, her eyes narrowed, she was startled when she saw the familiar things in her hand, and immediately snatched them, "Bring it!"

Lan Xin'er shrugged and let go of her hand, letting her see clearly.

Nalan Yue looked at the things in her hands, her heart sank to the bottom of the sea, her eyes flickered, now I'm afraid that Qing'er and the others are really tied up by Lan Xin'er!
Now, she has four things in total, hairpin, bracelet and two space rings.

She knew that the hairpin belonged to Qing'er, Ye Jin gave her [-] million from a local tycoon at that time, this hairpin was bought with that gold coin, and the bracelet belonged to Li Zi, bought in Qinglong City when he first entered school!
The other two storage rings belonged to Feng Chu and Meng Luo respectively, and she could still clearly remember that this ring had been worn on their middle fingers before!

But is it possible that Lan Xin'er forged it?After all, there is nothing this scumbag can't do...

Thinking of this, Nalan Yue hurriedly opened Li Zi's space bracelet, she remembered that she gave her a pack...

Depend on--

Nalan Yue clearly saw a pack of sanitary napkins for night use in the corner, even if everything else could be faked by Lan Xin'er, but what about this pack of sanitary napkins...

Up to now, Nalanyue has to admit that Qing'er and the others are really in her hands!
Nalan Yue took a deep breath and stuffed these things into the space, stared at her expressionlessly, and clenched her fingers deeply, "Lan Xiner, you are enough!"

It's okay to hurt her, but never her friends!

Lan Xin'er smiled lightly, ignored her words, and asked instead, "Finally believe it?"

"Lan Xin'er!" Nalan Yue snapped at her, trying to calm herself down, "Isn't everything you did just to kill me, let them go, you want to take my life yourself!!"

"Heh..." Lan Xin'er sneered lowly, tearing off the veil on her face, no longer wanting to hide the viciousness in her eyes, she yelled at her frantically, "Nalanyue, do you know, the one I hate the most?" It’s just your face, you put on a very loyal face, but your friend is not hurt because of your relationship! Pretending to be pure, but robbing other people’s men, hooking up everywhere, it’s obvious A bitch, anyone can..."

"Have you said enough!!"


Suddenly, crisp applause sounded in the silent forest, and there was even an echo.

And Lan Xin'er's face was becoming red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, while Nalan Yue was shaking her pantothenic palm, her eyes were extremely cold.

What a psycho!She pretends to be innocent?Heh, who is more pure than pretending to be a saint who has crossed the realm?

"Why did I hit the mark? Turned into anger from embarrassment? Hehe..." Lan Xin'er laughed angrily, and the laughter was extremely rampant, and then she looked at her intently, "Tell me, how could Ye Jin fall in love with such a bitch like you?" , How long has he been away, and you can't help but hook up with men outside?"

"I don't know why Ye Jin likes me, but I know that even if all the women in this continent are gone, he can't like you!" Yes, she is really angry and annoyed now, after all, who can keep being insulted like this? Calm, but the more she is like this, the more she wants to be calm.

 Thank you Rongrong for the reward~ Good afternoon~ There will be more in the afternoon~
(End of this chapter)

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