Chapter 817 Xiao Ziyu Died 2
A few seconds passed, but the survival bomb in her hand did not respond at all, not even the sound of pulling the rope...

Maybe wait? ?

Nalan Yue held a sliver of hope like this, staring at the survival bomb in his hand, but there was still no reaction, and then looked at the fire that was about to overflow his head.

Nalan Yue's heart instantly sank to the bottom of the sea!

Xiao Ziyu was completely swallowed by the dark flames, until he died, the tenderness towards her in his eyes still never disappeared... It was as if the whole world in his eyes was only her!
As for Lan Xin'er, she was dragged into the sea of ​​flames by him long ago, and it is estimated that there is not even any scum left!
Seeing Xiao Ziyu disappearing like a bubble in front of her eyes, Nalanyue no longer cared about the survival bomb in her hand, and immediately ran over, shouting in a low voice, "Do you think I will have a good impression of you after this? Will like you? You are dreaming!!"

Her shattering voice was like a little beast that had been hurt, and she ran towards the dark fire, wanting to run towards the dark fire desperately, but was beaten out.

The whole body shattered and drew a parabola in mid-air, Nalan Yue closed her eyes bitterly, without struggle or defense, just let herself be thrown to the ground.

The dark flame also disappeared in an instant, burning everything up... There was no shadow of Xiao Ziyu on the ground anymore, as if he had never existed!


what is this--

She was the one who deserved to die, but it happened to be Xiao Ziyu...

When Nalan Yue was thrown out, she was so unwilling to lose her voice that she yelled at the sky and the earth, her voice was already hoarse, "Why is it like this..."

"Nalan Yue, you will only make that kid die worthless!" Finally, the unknown old man couldn't stand it anymore, and floated out of the space, emitting a ray of light to protect her, and let her land gently.

When her toes were on the ground, Nalan Yue seemed to have lost all her strength and fell to the ground. She turned a deaf ear to the roar of the unknown old man, and her eyes stared at the slowly disappearing fire with a blank expression. There were no tears in her eyes. But the whole body is shrouded in terrifying gloom and sadness.

Even a hundred miles away, one could feel the sadness emanating from her.

For a moment, Little Phoenix, Xiaobai and Little God Tree all came out of the space, and couldn't help but sigh when they saw her.

At this moment, Little Phoenix was very obedient lying beside Nalanyue's arm, from time to time rubbing her furry head comfortingly, and Xiaobai also quietly licked her arm.

It's a pity... Nalan Yue didn't seem to be able to feel it, she stared into the distance without blinking, her vision was ruthlessly far away.

For a long time, Xiao Ziyu's love has been silent, without asking for any response, until he died, he didn't dare to say that sentence out loud - "I like you"!
His love never caused her any trouble, like a still pool of water, but his death pierced into her heart like a thorn, making her feel guilty and reminding her of him!
Xiao Ziyu, you are really cruel! !It's not easy to live after death!Nalan Yue couldn't help closing her eyes, her eyelashes were trembling, her face was terribly pale.

Little Phoenix stretched out his feathered paws like a little adult, and patted her on the shoulder, "Don't be sad, you must know that Murong Qing'er and the others are still missing..." He wanted to remind the master that Qing'er and the others may also be at risk.

 The author said: Hey, do you guys like Ziyou, the big devil?
(End of this chapter)

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