Chapter 851 Chapter 890 Headmaster Nanfeng with Four Palms of Wisdom 5
Although the third elder didn't know what the fingerprint collection meant, he knew it was not good when he looked at the situation, very bad!

Nalan Yue refused to answer this question!
"What a fool!" The boss refused to answer the question, and Murong Qing'er directly used it to laugh at his ignorance, "Everyone's fingerprints are unique, the third elder, didn't you keep saying that you didn't do the survival bomb? Look at you!" How can you argue in the face of evidence!"

The third elder is completely panicked now...


He did disassemble the parts by hand at that time... so stupid, why did he do it himself!

"Let me go!!" The third elder struggled harder than ever, if Venerable Ye Wu found out that his fingerprints belonged to him, then he would be ruined!

Completely ruined!
"Shut up!!" Ye Wuzun frowned and snapped, he had already seen that the fingerprint belonged to the third elder!

There is no need for such a person to stay anymore!
There was a cold light in Ye Wuzun's eyes, he raised his hand and quickly touched a few big acupuncture points on his body, his face was always calm.

Immediately, three colors of red, green, and brown floated out of the body of the third elder and gradually rose into the air.

"No—" The third elder's eyes were about to split open, and he could only watch helplessly as the spiritual energy rushed out like flowing water...

Everyone was shocked again, this clearly abolished the third elder's cultivation base!
"Satisfied?" Immediately afterwards, Ye Wuzun looked at Nalan Yue, his voice was low and sweet, as if he was asking for her opinion.

"How can this be enough!" Nalan Yue denied it outright, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, she drew the small dagger and walked step by step, "If you don't kill him, it's hard to appease the hatred in your heart!"

Xiao Ziyu is dead, and there is no way to return to heaven. How can the third elder be paid back for this life if his cultivation base is abolished!

Nalan Yue held a small dagger in her hand, and rushed towards the third elder fiercely——

"Forget it..." Before Nalan Yue could make a move, Ye Wuzun had already broken the third elder's neck, and he lost his breath in an instant.

The third elder didn't rest in peace until he died!

"Master Ye Wu!!" Seeing that the third elder was killed, the group of elders rushed over immediately, glaring at Mr. Ye Wu!
He said he would kill, and he didn't even have time for them to react!
"Master Ye Wu, don't you think you have gone too far this time!"

"Third Elder did something wrong, but the crime is not worthy of death!"



Even Nalan Yue was startled by his sudden movement!

Master, master, he actually killed him!

Is it for her...

Nalan Yue couldn't help looking at the sky, and looked down at the wound on her arm, the hideous wound was laughing at her own innocence!
How could he be for her...

Although the elders did not dare to accuse him harshly, after all he is the number one pharmacist in the mainland, they still couldn't help complaining a little!
At the same time - Leng Xi'er on the ground was in much better health after taking the elixir. Hearing so many people making noise, she just opened her eyes when she saw Ye Wuzun giving the Third Elder who loved her the most. Killed!
And the culprit was Nalan Yue, whom she hated the most!

Just when Leng Xi'er wanted to scream, she felt a pair of hard, rough hands covering her mouth, making it difficult for her to make a sound.

Leng Xi'er could only blink her eyes desperately, with tears welling in her eyes, "Uh...uh..."

The sudden situation made her unacceptable, so she had to struggle continuously, like a fish thrown on the beach, desperately trying to get back into the sea.

"Don't move..." It was a gloomy, low-pitched male voice, which made people shudder, and the tone was not very good.

But Leng Xi'er was still subconsciously stunned, and she still felt that the voice was familiar.

She didn't understand what this man was going to do!
"If you want to take revenge, you'd better not make any noise. If you agree with me, you just nod!" This voice appeared again, and Leng Xi'er, who was still afraid at first, began to compromise for revenge, and nodded vigorously.

"Very good!" The man seemed satisfied with her reaction,

(End of this chapter)

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