Chapter 862: Medicine Refining Competition 8
Thinking that Nalan Yue had already seen the man in the ice coffin...Ye Wu couldn't calm down, he closed his eyes a little, sniffed the wind, and meditated silently.

Xiao Ziyu, no, I should call you Ziyou, Ziyou, what are you going to do!
Isn't it bad enough to hurt her back then!What is your purpose this time...

When he thought he was Xiao Ziyu, he didn't threaten Nalanyue so he didn't take action to get rid of him, but the series of things that happened now made Ye Wu regret not killing him in the first place!

Loving someone is never a love aimed at hurting her and imprisoning her... Ziyou, I hope you can understand this time!
Ye Wuzun finally let out a long sigh, everything seems to be getting more and more out of the original track, I really don't know what will happen to Yue'er this time!
But no matter what happens in the end, he will do his best to protect her!

The final result of the competition came out, no surprises, Nalan Yue's team won the first place, and got the coveted reward - a one-day training opportunity in Linglong Tower!

Finally all the hard work has paid off, and the mood that has been depressed for several days has finally improved.

It's just that because the day after tomorrow is the medicine refining competition, in order to take care of Nalan Yue, everyone unanimously decided to go to Linglong Pagoda to practice for a day after the medicine refining competition.

This time the freshmen entrance competition came to an end, and the afternoon time was left to the students to arrange themselves.

Nalan Yue plunged into the space early in the morning, trying to catch up on all kinds of knowledge about refining medicine and how to use the medicine cauldron.

Before, she used modern machines to make western medicine, but now she suddenly changed to such an antique medicine cauldron, she was really worried that she would not be able to hold it!

Nalan Yue sighed softly, raised her hand to summon the Wudi Yaoding cauldron, and patted his belly, "Then you will refine the medicine right away, you have to give your master some credit, especially in the match the day after tomorrow! "

"Invincible medicine cauldron, invincible everywhere!" It yelled a catchphrase, and said firmly, "I will definitely not let the master down, let the rest go!"

The corners of Nalanyue's mouth twitched violently, confused by its fluent Northeast dialect, and couldn't help asking, "By the way... where did you learn the Northeast dialect!" You even know it!

Invincible Yao Ding shook his body shyly, "I saw the book "How to Learn Northeast Dialect" in your room..."

Nalanyue understood his hesitation, and the reason why she had this book in her space was because Qing'er thought the Northeast dialect was fun, so she learned to play.

But I didn't expect to be touched by this guy!

"Forget it, if I didn't ask, hurry up and finish the business!" Nalan Yue glanced at it, and then processed the medicinal materials he had prepared with wood elements for the last step.

The reason why a pharmacist needs to meet these two conditions - there are fire and wood in the attributes, the fire element is of course for refining, and the wood element is for finding out the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials and the reaction during the refining process!

At the same time, this is also the key point to prevent the furnace from bursting!
For the first time refining medicine, Nalan Yue prepared three batches of medicinal materials, each with ten small samples. The medicinal materials were all grown in her own space, and the aura of the space could be absorbed by plants.

In this way, the rate of alchemy will be higher, but Nalan Yue will never expect it...

Facing the Invincible Medicine Cauldron, which was half a person tall, Nalan Yue took a deep breath. After all, it was her first time refining alchemy instead of western medicine, so it was inevitable that she would be a little nervous and have an inexplicable sense of anticipation.

 Xiaoyu: In the future, if you see a chapter error, you must leave a message and tell me! ! ! ! ! !I don't know how much to update, just look at the last number in the title!Well, good night! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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